Trade VF Curlie/Fledgie…OVER Thanks Bunches!

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  • #496907


    Hello! πŸ˜€
    I am looking to trade off my VF Curlie for either of these 3 curlies: Lavender pearl, Blue Pearl or Rainbow. If I can, I can then let Susie know to take me off the list for one of them. πŸ˜‰
    I am also looking to trade a VF Fledgling for a Peacock Fledgling.
    Both of them have a good amount of the blue antiquing, and I prefer the lesser amount. I also find that I do not need 2 of each.
    I am not planning to trade off any of my other curlies since I have been lucky enough to get all of the ones so far that are NOT special paint schemes by Jennifer or Olympia. Except the pearl curlies and the Rainbow. I also have all fledgies except the Peacock. πŸ˜€
    These pics are fuzzy since I still haven’t found out how to get my PC up and running, and also I cannot find the driver disc to add my camera dock to this pc. I am sorry. I will however hope for time to figure out how to get back into my photobucket account and see if I have pics of them there. WIthout further babbling here they are…
    without flash

    With flash

    Curlie and Fledgie no flash

    Back of Fledgling

    If there is any interest, please PM me. Thanks for looking! πŸ˜€

    *In her best Oz voice* Pay no attention to the Dr. Pepper and apple crisp pan in the background! πŸ˜† (It was the best lighting source at the time! 😳 )

    **Fledgling now has a new home waiting for him!**


    What a pair! The colors match perfectly.


    Yep! Both “pairs” I have match perfectly, which made it a bit easier to decide to swap off one pair. πŸ˜‰
    I have intrest in the Fledgie, and am awaiting pics of the trade peice. πŸ˜€
    I have had one question about the curlie, and am awaiting a reply to my reply. πŸ˜€ But, I have to admit, I didn’t think that I would hear from anyone this early! 😳


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      These pics are fuzzy since I still haven’t found out how to get my PC up and running, and also I cannot find the driver disc to add my camera dock to this pc.

      Try looking online for the software from your camera’s maker. Lots of times you can get software and updates for “accessories” online.


      I did, and had to delete it. It was corrupted. πŸ™ I gave up then. I have everything on my pc, but can’t get it to connect to the cable here since it was used on DSL last it was connected. πŸ™„
      And with everything else I have going on, swaps, remodling my mom’s house, my new job, the crap with my accident, and whatnot(still unpacking), I really don’t have time to piddle around with looking for drivers and programs to put on this pc, when all I will do is hollored at for adding programs. πŸ˜• πŸ™„


      I’m pretty sure the Fledgie has a new home. Thank you!! πŸ˜€
      Curlie still available… πŸ˜‰


      I want some apple crisp! πŸ˜€


      πŸ˜† I might make some more… πŸ˜€
      And, the Fledgie has found himself a new home! YAY!!! πŸ˜€ *Claps hands*


      Curlie to be homed too!

      Thanks all! πŸ˜€


      Congrats to you and to the new owners, WSC.

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