
Had to open up a paypal dispute

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    Damnit I hate doing it 🙁


      What happened?

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I bought something on aug 19 and I still have not received it, and he has not replied to me through eBay.




        ruffian wrote:

        I bought something on aug 19 and I still have not received it, and he has not replied to me through eBay.

        Sometimes some purchases can take up to one month…from my experience anyway. Where does it comefrom? If it’s from overseas it can take much longer then that.


        But you only have a month to open up the dispute, and the fact that they will not respond to me now.


          Sadly, you had no choice since they are not communicating with you.


          ruffian wrote:

          But you only have a month to open up the dispute, and the fact that they will not respond to me now.

          i made the mistake of not opening one because the guy did communicate . But all he did was screw me around and when i filed it was over a month PayPal did fix the problem for me but only because he was screwing alot of people over and had a ton of complaints with them. It was a huge hassle and took 3 months to get it done with since i took so long thinking the guy would work with me


            Sometime it really sucks to purchase or do business on the internet. 😡


            I’ve had a lot of problems with sellers sending me really badly packaged Windstones and when they arrive damaged blaming the shippers, ie, the PO, and when the PO refused the insurance claim, the sellers get very upset because they think that because it’s insured, that should be enough! So I have had to file a lot of disputes and claims and paypal has been very supportive and fair and backed me up in my claims. I’ve taken pictures of what the Windstone looked like when I opened it, what the packaging looked like, the box it came in, etc, the specific damage (sometimes it’s horrible!, really smushed!) and what recourse I’m looking for. Sometimes I want a full refund, othertimes I just want enough money to pay for the repairs because I don’t want to return the piece and we negotiate that. But paypal has been fully supportive and willing to work with me. I haven’t had any bad experience with them at all out of maybe 8 or 9 times I have had to do this. I am always so glad when I get a Windstone and it doesn’t rattle! I think YES! no problem with the seller! I actually got a large wizard in one small box with 2 pieces of hard styrofoam, 4 small pieces of bubblewrap, and wrapped in a teeshirt!!! Needless to say, it was a smushed mess! And the seller declared that his packing was “quite adequate” and when the PO refused his insurance claim (after I filed the dispute/claim),he fought me, the PO, ebay, and paypal. In fact, he is still fighting with them even though I won the claim. (Even if you win the claim, paypal can only collect money from the seller if they have money in their account, and if they don’t, they can take it out if the seller ever puts any money into at a later time. I don’t know what the time frame is.) This seller didn’t have any money in his account, but he did eventually put some money in and paypal took it out and gave it to me, but it wasn’t the whole amount, so the seller still owes me some more. This has been going on for 7 months. I call him my PITA seller. Anyway, right now I only have one claim going on in paypal and again, they are being fully supportive. I really feel protected in that I don’t have to chase the sellers around, they do it for me and they investigate the claims and decide if they are fair or not. I don’t file frivolous claims, I dislike the whole process intensely and would just as soon not, so I make sure I am right, but I also don’t let the sellers slide. If they don’t do it right, or they say it’s mint and it comes chipped and there’s no way the PO could have done it, I take pictures and I file. I have certainly learned a lot about the PO rules and the paypal rules in the process!! I still don’t kmow them all and they do change over time, but I am more confident now about standing up and protesting bad behavior. I don’t know how to fix anything so I don’t say to myself, oh well, I’ll just get a marker pen or a little paint and see whether I can fix it. No, I can’t, I will make it worse. If it needs fixing, I need to send it off to Kyrin or DragOnfeathers for TLC and get the seller to pay for it. If I do the damage, then that’s my problem and I deal with it and I don’t whine, I send it off to get it fixed or live with it, I don’t blame it on a seller. I guess that’s why when I file a dispute/claim, they are clean claims, making it easier for paypal to be supportive.
            Anyway, I thought I would share my experiences with filing disputes/claims with paypal maybe to make it easier for someone else to file if they need to. For me, it’s like going to court, you only go if you need to go, it’s not fun and you don’t go lightly, but you go when you have to stand up and push back and paypal can be there to protect and defend you, that’s where the fees go, might as use them when you need them! And now it’s not scary, it’s just unpleasant, annoying, and a PITA!
            So best of luck on your dispute, and with any luck it won’t go to a claim, but if it does, you can just file it and let paypal do it. 🙂


            Guess I should have opened the thing sooner:
            Label/Receipt Number:
            Status: Acceptance

            Your item was accepted at 1:04 PM on September 11, 2008 in ANCHORAGE, AK 99501. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

            He has only shipped it today WTF?


              Probably got scared by you opening the dispute…


              Only accepted then.. wow. Worst thing that happened to me was when the PO got my postal code wrong… most other people I’ve bought from have been good. Well, one was iffy, but she worked with me, though I didn’t get anything out of it, because before I could take pictures, the person I gave it to dropped it and damaged it further – so any dispute opened then would be defunct, since the damage “could’ve” come from the drop.


                I had to file a dispute once over a White Emperor Dragon. I won it and it didn’t arrive and didn’t arrive. In the meantime I was emailing the seller quite often about it and they kept giving me the runaround about it was at her father’s house and he lived in a different state bah bah bah. At the end of 30 days I filed a dispute and guess what —
                One day later the dragon arrived overnight special delivery.

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