
Photos from the new Windstone factory! (Image heavy)

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    If anyone’s been wondering what happened to all the remaining Windstone staff members, this ought to shed some light! We’re in week two of unpacking at the new factory. Here are some snapshots I took on day three.

    First off, this is an outside view of the new HQ:

    Melody behind some boxes in what is now a temporary office (that thing hanging on the wall in the background is a sample someone sent us years ago of an emperor dragon blanket):

    Susie and Robert (the computer guy) in the same front office:

    Michael (Susie’s husband) taking a break in the library/copier/knock-off museum room:

    Griffin and Pam clean cart wheels while Melody looks on:

    Inventory! This was taken from the second floor window. It looks out on the warehouse (where painting, shipping, and lord knows what else will be once it’s all set up).

    Melody decided she wanted her studio to be upstairs– trouble is, all of her extremely heavy stuff was DOWNstairs. Amanda and Dan have the solution: cut a hole in the wall so we can forklift stuff up! Here they are posing with the necessary equipment to establish said hole:

    Aaaand the hole is becoming a reality! Adam, in the beige shirt, has come to help out.

    Thank you all for bearing with us during the move. We’re working hard to get everything up and running again!

    PSST– I’m told there will be new stuff on eBay soon!



      those are cool pics… and it does look smaller than the old place….


        OMG, look at all these boxes! 😯 It was mindbogling just reading about it; seeing it is just… wow!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Looks like you guys are having lots and lots of… um… fun? 😯 πŸ˜† The new place is very nice. Hope it works just as well as the old place!


            it looks like there’s been some awesome progress done!!! wow, thank you for the pics! πŸ˜€


            I’m exhausted just looking at the pictures! Advil, anyone?

            Thanks for the pictures – it looks like a nice location!


              It looks great! Things look like they’re coming along. I spoke to Susie on the phone today. Things are moving slowly but surely, she said.


                Man, makes me want to go and help unpack… πŸ˜‰


                  If there is a 2nd floor it sounds like you will have more space


                    I’ve never seen the old factory so I can’t compare, but that place sure looks nice for a factory! Thank you for the photos πŸ™‚


                      I hope to get there one day


                        Look at all those boxes! ANd just think of all the Windstones that are hiding in them…


                          =D Thanks for the pictures! It looks like a nice building.


                            I agree with Leigha–the place looks great and well-maintained. Incredible seeing all those boxes!

                            Thanks for the pictures! πŸ˜€

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