Seems to me everyone is having kitty problems. My friends, family and myself included. I have a friend in Red Deer, his kitty Madison disappeared over 2 weeks ago (now is assumed to not be coming back), another friend in Grande Prairie lost her Apple head siamese Mocha (3-4 days ago). I loved both those cats, and always took the time to pay attention to them when I was there, so it saddens me that they are missing…
And the last remaining childhood cat of mine, Fluff, his kidneys are failing. 🙁 They estimate a year at most. At least I get to see him next week, barring lots of homework.
I think everyone’s cats should just be healthy, have no behavioral, health, or other problems.
Well… at least Kimi is doing good. 🙂 Though she’s really cuddly lately, I’m wondering what she did that’s she’s trying to snuggle her way out of… 😉