As you know I am very hard of hearing. I went to a new hearing aid provider today and they have a very new technology so I am getting two new hearing aid that hopefully will help. These people have a machine that they could use the in-office hearing aid like the ones I will get and test your hearing with this technology and I did pretty good. At least as good as my poor hearing will enable anything to work.
This will be set no. 6. I have no hearing in the high tones and not much better in the low tones and so far in 30 years nothing has worked well for me. I have to have the cic’s because I am allergic to plastic on the outer parts of my ears and if any part of the aid touches my skin I erupt like a sunburn and blister which is very painful. One place even tried 24kt gold plating a set and that didn’t help. Also I have a very narrow window of noise tolerance which doesn’t help. I have had a couple of audiologist tell me I was the challenge of their career.
I also might tell you these are by Starkey and are called Destiny. These will still have to be adjusted by computer for any major and/or adjustments changes but instead of one or two channels these have 8 channels and can self-adjust for various noise situations which even digital hearing aids have not been able to do in the past they had to be adjusted by computer only at the hearing aid providers.
So Please keep your fingers crossed for me