for me the peacock color takes the cake…I just love the peacock dragons…that’s the color I got my SK in too. Course…I’m partial…purple is my favorite color! 😀
I really want the Em/Pe Rising Spectral. I saw him in person and that color scheme is awsome for him 😉 . Mind you, if I had the cash and could find him, I’d get him Peacock in a second!
Ooo! I like the IVEP color… What sculpts have been painted in this color?
I’m not sure which ones have come out in the IVEP, but most of them were only sold on Ebay as the first 10 of the run. The Male and Mother were released in regular production of the EmPea that way before Melody refined the color to what it is now. So, you may have some luck finding them in that color. (No, I don’t have any…sorry).