

Home Forums Miscellany Introductory and Welcoming Area I CONFESS–I OWN THE BURGUNDY/GOLD OW!

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  • #496057


    I did not belong to the forum back in February, but apparantly this was the subject of a lot of curiousity among the forum members, so to clear it all up, I was the recipient of the 2nd chance offer on the Burgundy/Gold OW, whom I affectionately call “Hacker-Shield”! I would post a picture of him, but I’ve tried about 10 times, and I can’t seem to get it to work, so I give up. If forum members want to see what he looked like again, he is pictured on some threads when I typed it in on the search option, and saw all the chat about it, as well as the hacker. :squeak:


      Lucky you!!!! Congrats!!!!! 😀


        Congrats! 😀


          Oooh congrats to you!




            Congratulations! If I remember correctly, he’s a real beauty!!!! 😀


              I did a fair amount of drooling over that one! congrats! 😀


              yes, he’s worth drooling over–I’m glad that Windstone has the integrity not to give in to these hackers, and actually Karen did a lot to find me, because I did not receive her first email, so she called me about him–I had not known about the hacker issue before, I thought he was removed from auction because he got broken or something. Then the next 2 dragons I won were the same situation as well, such as the Bronze Oriental Sun Dragon #4–I call him “Hacker-Pruf”! :squeak:


                ok, i missed something here. What happened with the hacker? 😯


                I guess around the area of Dec thru February, there was a hacker getting into the Windstone auctions, and at the last hour or so of the auction, was either entering multiple mini-bids, to pull out everyone’s max bids, or a ridiculously high bid to pull out everyone’s max bid. I don’t think the OW was the first victim, but Karen knew it was hacked into before the auction ended, so she closed the auction. I was not home but I entered a max bid of about $1400.00, to GUARANTEE I would win it, and then saw it was pulled out. I did not get her email offering it to me at that price, fortunately, and then she called me, saying that upon reconsideration, decided to offer it to me for the cost BEFORE the hacker sucked out my max bid, which was several hundred less. She also said it was being investigated, as far as I know, it isn’t really a problem anymore. :squeak:


                  I still wonder about that mess… Did Windstone ever get to know the identity of the hacker and why they were being such a pin head…???



                  49ER wrote:

                  yes, he’s worth drooling over–I’m glad that Windstone has the integrity not to give in to these hackers, and actually Karen did a lot to find me, because I did not receive her first email, so she called me about him–I had not known about the hacker issue before, I thought he was removed from auction because he got broken or something. Then the next 2 dragons I won were the same situation as well, such as the Bronze Oriental Sun Dragon #4–I call him “Hacker-Pruf”! :squeak:

                  You have the Bronze OSD Too ?

                  Lucky you 😆 Congrats on the great Dragons

                  Black **Grey**White**Green


                  Lucky you, 49ER! That’s one pretty OW.


                    Congrats and welcome to the forum. 🙂

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