
to all those that bought from me

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    i edited this because i can think somewhat better now…anyway i have been stuck at my mothers the past couple weeks due to an emergencey and will be here for a couple more still until i can make sure she is ok and will not let her ex move back in with her..once i get home i will begin shipping pieces again..hell i may be able to talk her into driving me home to pick up some of them but it really all depends beings its a 2 hour drive and gas costs are bad..im sorry i threatened to leave but iw as rather angry and upset..i do love you guys dispite my harsh words and hope you can forgive me




    Now that folks know that you’ve had a family emergency and are currently not home to take care of shipping sale items, they should be understanding of the delay. Keeping folks in the loop is the main thing.

    Deal with things one at a time, then get to the rest as soon as you can. Just keep your buyers in the loop so they know what is going on.



    i do admit i am beyond stressed and pissed and most likely will not leave..but i do need to take a break for awhile especially since i just dont have much energy to be on the forums daily anymore..sorry everyone dont mean to be an ass..


    We’ve all had our days. I recall getting into a heated discussion with Ski several months ago that got me so upset I nearly left too. But Ski and I kept talking and managed to work it out and are friends now.

    Just some days things just get to be too much and it seems easier to just lighten our load and dump everything to the side that you don’t absolutely have to deal with. However, this forum is also a support network and stress reliever too, a shared load is always easier to carry.

    So just hang in there, take care of your Mom, and yourself, and we’ll be here when you are up to being sociable again.

    Just keep the folks you are doing business with currently in the loop so they know what is going on with their purchases.



      I think thats all anyone would ask is to be kept in the loop. Life happens to everyone. Some people are more serious about their money than others… esp if its ALOT of money. Chill and just explain it to those of us that have transactions with you. Its the least you can do and doesnt take long to come make a post. πŸ™‚



        Take care of yourself and your mom, ‘kay?

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          I’m sorry I couldnt loan you the cash you asked for…but I am truly broke at the moment. πŸ™ After being here so long, why would you leave when as far as I can tell there’s been alot of generosity toward you? When you’ve gone through a hard time in the past..you’ve had the forum be VERY nice to you…even Melody sent you a cheer up present. Not to mention DragOn offered to fix your brown male for free…and that would have been TON of work…and you got sent a rainbow curlie….How is it that people dont want you here???? it seems petty and childish to leave after so many people have been so kind to you. πŸ˜•


          purplecat wrote:

          I’m sorry I couldnt loan you the cash you asked for…but I am truly broke at the moment. πŸ™ After being here so long, why would you leave when as far as I can tell there’s been alot of generosity toward you? When you’ve gone through a hard time in the past..you’ve had the forum be VERY nice to you…even Melody sent you a cheer up present. Not to mention DragOn offered to fix your brown male for free…and that would have been TON of work…and you got sent a rainbow curlie….How is it that people dont want you here???? it seems petty and childish to leave after so many people have been so kind to you. πŸ˜•

          if you read my reply post it says im not leaving..i just need a break for a little while i dotn think that is a bad thing


            Dragonmancer, I apologized to you as well through PM after I thought I may have seemed pushy about the dragon I purchased. It’s just been 2 weeks like you said and now you said it would take 2 more so I got a little concerned. I’m sorry if I seemed as if I wasn’t caring to your situation. If you noticed I haven’t asked at all about it since you mentioned there was a family emergency to me a few days ago. I did just get burned very recently through the forum *also with a Lap funny enough* so I may just still be feeling the uncertainty of dealing on the forum still because of that little mishap.

            If I was the one of the people who upset you I didn’t mean to, I just don’t want to get burned again. You were very concerned about me getting the money to you after I purchased an anthro commission and a dragon in a quick pinch to try and help you out, but you didn’t seem very concerned to show me the same respect it seemed, so I did try to express a bit of concern to you, but I didn’t intend to offend. I’m sorry if that was the case.

            As far as being so angry you wanted to consider leaving, I also offered to fix your dragon which someone else pointed out, which I still don’t mind doing if you want me to… I embraced the love of furries with you too which made me realy happy too! I really like you a lot Dracomancer, I am just genuinely concerned for and about you. You don’t seem to be in a good place right now and though I tried cheering you up and putting some money in your pockets to help out…I don’t know what else I could have done to make you feel better, but I tried my best. Please don’t be angry or leave the community. Many people here would be very sad if you did. I don’t mind waiting as long as you don’t forget about me πŸ˜‰

            I hope things get better soon. <3 <3 <3

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            drag0nfeathers wrote:

            Dragonmancer, I apologized to you as well through PM after I thought I may have seemed pushy about the dragon I purchased. It’s just been 2 weeks like you said and now you said it would take 2 more so I got a little concerned. I’m sorry if I seemed as if I wasn’t caring to your situation. If you noticed I haven’t asked at all about it since you mentioned there was a family emergency to me a few days ago. I did just get burned very recently through the forum *also with a Lap funny enough* so I may just still be feeling the uncertainty of dealing on the forum still because of that little mishap.

            If I was the one of the people who upset you I didn’t mean to, I just don’t want to get burned again. You were very concerned about me getting the money to you after I purchased an anthro commission and a dragon in a quick pinch to try and help you out, but you didn’t seem very concerned to show me the same respect it seemed, so I did try to express a bit of concern to you, but I didn’t intend to offend. I’m sorry if that was the case.

            As far as being so angry you wanted to consider leaving, I also offered to fix your dragon which someone else pointed out, which I still don’t mind doing if you want me to… I embraced the love of furries with you too which made me realy happy too! I really like you a lot Dracomancer, I am just genuinely concerned for and about you. You don’t seem to be in a good place right now and though I tried cheering you up and putting some money in your pockets to help out…I don’t know what else I could have done to make you feel better, but I tried my best. Please don’t be angry or leave the community. Many people here would be very sad if you did. I don’t mind waiting as long as you don’t forget about me πŸ˜‰

            I hope things get better soon. <3 <3 <3

            im not going to leave so no worries..and your lap is one of the ones already packed and ready to go so once i get home it will go asap..and yes i do appreciate all you and the rest of this community has done for me…heh threatening to leave..what a way to show i appreciate it eh? πŸ˜•


              It’s okay! We all get fustrated sometimes. πŸ˜‰

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Oh, Dracomancer, I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. As Kyrin and skigod said, take care of yourself and your family first, and if you just keep your customers informed of what’s happening, there should be no hard feelings. I hope things get better for you. I’m glad you’re not leaving!


                  Yes, all most people ask is to keep communications open and up to date. As long as you don’t drop off the face of the Earth I don’t see why people can’t be patient πŸ™‚

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  I didn’t know what was going on, but it seems people love you here Dracomancer, so just take care of things, then you can tackle the stuff that stresses you out. Sometimes going, I NEED A FEW DAYS to people works too.

                  Glad you aren’t leaving, even though I didn’t know about it beforehand. Stress sucks, huh?

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