
hidden online status

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    Here’s something I’ve been wondering for a while….for those of you who elect to click the “hide your online status” box in your profile, what’s your reason for doing so?

    I do it sometimes when I’m going to be logged onto the forum for a while, but I’m not necessarily sitting here. For example, I may stay logged on while I run my son over to his tae kwon do class. I also set it while I was on vacation, just in case I could pop in for a minute or two (of course I then forgot to change it when I got back πŸ™„ )

    Other times, I admit, I do it just because I’m bored and I’m looking for something different to do. πŸ˜†



      😯 😯 I’d never even noticed it was an option!!!!! lol….I wouldnt bother anyway… πŸ˜†


      Because I like to be sneaky! πŸ˜› 😈


        I do it sometimes when I just want to browse the topics but dont want to talk. I have also done it when I was angry/tempted to post something I might regret. Posting while your online status is hidden just shows you are hiding your on line status, and that would kinda make me feel silly. Tatt did it for a while and I always thought it was retarded to hide your online status and then post in a topic.


        I wouldn’t bother…

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        I wouldn’t bother unless I accidentally managed to hit it. Which I usually don’t… never done, actually.

        That’s like being offline on MSN messenger then talking to someone. But I do that if I want to talk to one specific person and not another person I guess.


          Bwahaha… I can see you even when you are hidden.

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            Heee. I always kind of laughed at that on my own forum, though I don’t have anybody there who does it right now. But this one guy always did. Always! But he posted a whole lot anyhow. I always wondered what he thought he was accomplishing by being hidden.


            I wanted to sneak up on you all and find out what you were saying about me winning the Raffle. Yeah, that’s why I’m in stealth mode! πŸ˜†

            Naw, I ended up clicking it because I found that I’d load the forums in the a.m., while drinking my coffee, and then end up getting up to go feed/work with the intent to return and would end up being logged in all day with no one at the helm, because something inevitably would come up and I’d space that the PC was still on and logged in to the forums. Oops!

            Once, I actually thought I had been punted/refused access to the WE site, because of being logged in for to long. I think the account was logged in early evening and through the entire night and when I went to read the forums the next day, I could not connect to the WE site. 😯 Oh no’s! And since all the other sites were connecting …. 😎

            Of course, it turned out that it was the day that Snap had the catastrophe hit and the forums went kaput.

            Whatcha mean I broke it? But I wasn’t even here, it was my psuedo, I swear ❗ πŸ˜†


            I don’t hide my status. I get caught up on the topics and then log off and look at other things. And if I want to check a topic without posting, I just browse as a guest for a minute.


              Wow, such nice comments! I’m not retarded and I don’t think I’m “accomplishing” anything by keeping my status hidden. πŸ™„


                I’ve always been like that, I dunno. When given the option to “hide”, I’ll do it. But it seems just like a lot of you, I open the forum on one tab, and keep it open all day and just refresh it every so often.

                edit: or do what I just did after typing this reply. I left the room, and didn’t come back 😯 I do that a lot.


                  Hhmm, me thinks now I know what my mother mean’t when she said ” Becareful if you eavesdrop. You might not like what you hear.” πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

                  But, I do think the question was asked out of curiosity, not an accusation. πŸ˜‰


                  Yep! I’m just curious. πŸ™‚

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