
What the Heck Happened?

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    I was doing so well for a while.

    Now within the space of 2 weeks, I find out that PT has been in the hospital for over a month and didn’t say anything to anyone and didn’t want anyone else to know.

    I lost my biggest client (I’m a proof reader for a couple of publishing houses in Toronto) which cuts my income by 3/4.

    And we just got into a car accident by rear ending my brother’s car on the way to dinner with my family to celebrate my bf’s birthday which is on Tuesday. Both cars would have been fine but he has a Honda CRV with the spare tire covered on the back and that is the corner we hit. If that hadn’t been there, we would have just hit bumpers and there would have been no damage except maybe to the paint job.

    And not as bad, just stupid, I really did stub my toe the other day and it’s all turned purple and black under the nail and is really gross. πŸ˜•

    Just when it seems I’m starting to get ahead, I get slapped back down. I’m just so tired I want to cry.

    Sorry, I know everyone is having a hard time right now and I hate to complain but it really does feel like someone out there doesn’t like me. πŸ˜₯



      *hugs*! Hang in there…things will get better soon.


        *hugs* πŸ™‚


        *hugs* Sounds like you’re due for some really good things to happen!


        We’ve all been there and done that, but it just makes us really good at …. dammit I forgot the word I was thinking of….

        Empathic maybe? When you know exactly how someone feels and can relate to it?


        *hugs* I’m sorry… I know how you feel. My hypochondria and panic attacks have been getting worse lately and today my computer crashed again after freezing several times a day for the past week and had to be formatted. Now I need to get it replaced (well I’ve been planning on that for several months now) but I can’t afford it or any of the other stuff I need. So yeah, life can really suck sometimes. πŸ™


        Wow!!! Is it something in the air lately? like globally? It seems everyone got hit at once!!! Hang in there, HUGS!


          It seems like everybody goes thru bad times every once in awhile but I hope things get better for you fast. Sending you a great big bear hug


          Oh darling, I hope things go better for you soon. I know where you are coming from. All too well.




            hmm…we all seem to be going thru some rough times. but we have each other and things Will get better. cause I said so πŸ˜‰


              Hugs. We all seem to be having hard times right now. I wonder what is in the water!
              I’m glad no one was hurt in the car accident and hopefully you can line up a couple more clients to fill in the missing one.
              Hugs again πŸ˜•


              Aw, Jasmine, I just had a week like that too not too long ago. But you know what? Things happen in highs and lows, and the lower the low is, the better you’re going to feel when things start looking up. πŸ˜‰


              Jasmine wrote:

              Now within the space of 2 weeks, I find out that PT has been in the hospital for over a month and didn’t say anything to anyone and didn’t want anyone else to know.

              Jasmine, thank you for letting us know. PT, though she does not know it, led me to this wonderful forum and the wonderful people that make it what it is and although she is at terms with her illness and prefers to not shoulder us with it, we know it will not stop us from caring about her through her journey.

              Dragon87 wrote:

              We’ve all been there and done that, but it just makes us really good at …. dammit I forgot the word I was thinking of….

              Empathic maybe? When you know exactly how someone feels and can relate to it?

              Unless you’re Phoebe from Charmed, I think the word you’re looking for is empathetic. 😎

              Phoenix wrote:

              We all seem to be having hard times right now. I wonder what is in the water!
              I’m glad no one was hurt in the car accident and hopefully you can line up a couple more clients to fill in the missing one.

              I hear ya Phoenix. Some days it feels like it’s in the water, the air and coming from the very ground we walk on. Fortunately, a lot of us are stronger than we realize. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I went splat only to realize afterwards, “Hey, I’m still here and I didn’t break a thing!” πŸ˜€


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