
Movie Recommendations…

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    Hey guys, just watched a couple good movies today. They are kinda from one extreme to another. Horror, then fantasy…yeah, weird combo.

    Anyway…if you like suspense, lots of casualties and serious gore, but with a good storyline mixing it up, and vampires…30 Days of Night

    And for a lighthearted fun romp with some good actors, and terrific special effects…Stardust, the feel of the story reminded me strongly of The Princess Bride this is definately a keeper, we’re gonna have to get it for our collection.

    Stardust was kind of a sleeper, I think it came out around the same time as The Golden Compass and Spiderwick, and got lost in the shuffle, but it is well worth getting out the popcorn and snuggling on the couch to watch.

    I loved both Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro’s performances, they played their parts terrifically…the hero and heroine were adorable, I was in love with both of them by the end.

    That’s all I’m gonna say.

    Feel free to add your recommendations to the pile.




      I watched Interview with the Vampire tonight which is a classic if you ask me. (even if Tom Cruise is in it…ick) At least it was his better days.

      I also saw the new AVP which was kinda horrible. Made me sad, they ruin every AVP movie with a stupid plot and an even stupider ending. Well, the first one was decent. Fun eye candy, that’s about it.

      I liked Cloverfield, but its one of those movies you either love or hate. If you like movies when they run around holding a camera and badly tape eachother (ex. The Blair Witch Project) If you can deal with that then you’d like it. I mean…it reminded me of Blair Witch crossed with a modern Godzilla because of the style, but it actually had a decent ending. 😆 I really wanted to see 30 days of night. I have the comic! Glad to know it was good

      I haven’t seen Ironman but everyone told me it was great. I’m hoping to see if before it’s gone out of the theathers. Anyone else see it yet?

      Got a busted Windstone?
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      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        I saw Iron Man. It was great! Kung Foo Panda anfd Incredible Hulk were also very awesome.


          I also liked Cloverfield. Kung Fu Panda was good. Iron Man was good, but I was never big into Iron Man so I was just “meh” about it. 30 Days of Night was good, yes. And I really loved Juno (I have NO idea why I desperately wanted to see that when it came out in theatres… specially since it kind of goes against me *read below* Thankfully nothing was actually in it).
          I tend to just watch horror movies. You have no idea the lengths I go to to avoid anything sexual in movies (yeah, hahaha that’s everything now :|). I cannot stand sexual scenes in movies (I don’t like kissing scenes either to be honest… like anything more than a little seconds kiss. I know, I’m weird). Even if I think a movie looks great, then I find out it has a scene like that in it, I won’t watch it. I passed up The Hitcher because someone told me that even though the gore was fantastic, the beginning of the movie was basically all sex. Passed up Hills Have Eyes 2 once I read the back of it (was excited till then).
          300 killed me. I saw that in theatres for the violence and wanted to gut myself 5 minutes into it. I was really excited for it too. Blah.
          I don’t watch a lot of movies because of it… so I can’t recommend much at all 😆
          Children of Men! Almost forgot! Loved that movie.


          I am a HUGE horror fan as well, although not so much into the gore, more of a thriller, jump at you kinda thing. Cloverfield was AWESOME, but I also really liked 30 days of nights as well, but it has a great story to go with the gore. I dont like the hills have eyes movies because of the the lack of story. Now Saw on the other hand is great, again story.

          I LOVE Juno, but I really like Ellen Page, but the story is just good. And I also have to agree with Children of Men.


          Stardust was great, so was Iron Man.

          I really, really liked Children of men – thing is, I only saw it once, and it was the French dubbed version because my mother in law was with us and her English isn’t good. I HATE dubbed versions… so the fact that I was still choked up says a lot. I gotta watch it in English.

          300 kinda lacked a plot…

          I’m not big on some horror. For example, I recently saw Event Horizon and it disturbed me (no sex, though!)

          This weekend, we watched yet again Star Trek First Contact. I think it’s the best STNG movie they made. We’ve cut down on our DVD budget a lot, so we’re digging in our collection lately 😀

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I really loved Iron Man; I saw it twice. If you go, stay until after the credits (there’s an Easter Egg). I just saw The Incredible Hulk yesterday, and it’s very good too (no Easter Egg – they put it before the credits actually).

            There will be two more movies in this series coming out: Captain America and The Avengers. I’m looking forward to them now. I hope they’re as good as these first two: Iron Man and Hulk.

            Indiana Jones was meh. Prince Caspian was pretty good though.

            I’m looking forward to the third Mummy movie although Rachel Weisz isn’t in it (and someone else plays her character). It looks good though: Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Brendan Frasier, John Hannah… fun!

            Rented I Am Legend last week. Good, but there’s a pretty disturbing scene with the dog. No sex… no sex in any of them (Iron Man only insinuates they had sex, and Hulk doesn’t follow through).


            Iron Man! See it if you haven’t yet, but STAY for the end of the credits. Same with if you see Incredible Hulk. Build up to another movie in the works *Avengers*cough* Robert Downey Jr. was really born to play Tony Stark. Heck, he was practically playing himself!

            The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian was good. I need to re-read the book to see how close it was, but still, it was at least very good eye candy and plenty of griffins and other Narnians. I loved the little Centaur trying to hold up the sword! *Squeels* Caspian’s horse was gorgeous too (can’t tell if it was a Dales or a Friesian – anyone know?).

            I’ve got two more movies on deck for this week. I’ll edit when I see them (Indy and the The Love Guru).

            I’m eagerly awaiting Dark Knight. Batman Begins started to redeem the last several Batman movies (Batman with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, and I’ll let the second one with Michelle Pfeiffer and the Penguin off with an ok, but after that, they all got goofy and slapstick). I’m really hoping they didn’t blow it – and I want to see Heath Ledger’s performance. From what I can tell, he did the Joker right.


              Stardust is excellent. So is Iron Man. Has anyone seen Nim’s Island?



              I liked IronMan, and I’m not a fan of most of the new movies – they’ve all been unbelievable to me. I couldn’t get into them.

              Another one I liked, if you can find it, is The Orphanage. It’s not a mainstream hollywood one, and I thought the acting, the ending, the middle, the everything, was really good! Bought it on a whim, sounded weird, but was actually decent.


                Dragon87, I really wanted to see The Orphanage. I had to turn down a friend one night to see it (he owns it, so no big deal… will eventually see it) because of everything hectic around here. I did want to see it though. I’ve only heard good about it.


                Loved Iron Man, they were very true to his story.

                Loved Stardust, but then I really like anything by Neil Gaiman (even though they changed the ending).

                There are so many movies I haven’t see yet. To be seen list: Indy, the Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Prince Caspian, Zohan, The Love Guru

                Ones that haven’t been released yet: Wall-E, Wanted, Get Smart, Hancock, The Dark Knght


                  Indiana Jones was great and Prince Caspian was even better.


                  Just saw My Cousin Vinny again – that’s a great movie! I had forgotten about the whole shoot the deer/what pants to wear scene.

                  Personally I am waiting for Hellboy II (love Ron Perlman) and Mummy III (love, love, love Brendan Fraser).

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