
Rant re:school

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      Or rather, paying for it.

      Is this system deliberately set up to bleed every last penny from the poor schmoes that are just trying to get an education?

      I’m frustrated, I’ve exceeded the number of hours that SIUC has decided is the max to obtain a bachelors degree, and therefore have not made satisfactory progress (I can appeal, and tell them my associates was in an entirely different field, but I’m graduating this summer anyway, so it wouldn’t make any difference) and I had to get a private loan to pay for my 12 hours of summer classes.

      Sallie Mae was one of a very limited amount of options for alternative loans, and the stupid thing was supposed to disburse on Monday.

      Well, they must’ve put a check in the mail instead of doing direct deposit, because I still don’t see it in my student account online, just the $3 grand I owe for tuition, staring and blinking at me. Federal loans were so much easier, and so instant.

      I realize I’m being impatient, but having that money in hand so I can buy the things I need would be nice. I feel like a pest calling the Financial Aid office every couple days going “Is it here yet?”


      Stop the ride please, I want to get off.



          Dang 😯 That doesn’t sound like much fun! I’m on my way to college come this August. I’ve heard universities can be like vampires, which is what I’m afraid of. It sounds like the loan companies aren’t exactly in a hurry to help you out either. Grrrr. Sorry, friend, that bites! 😡 I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

          (In the meantime, you might want to keep a stake and some cloves of garlic handy. They might buy you some time! 😀 )


          im trying to start college all pver again in the fall .I just spoke to the admissions person last week and was told to fill out a FASFA , so i go online to find out it was due in March. I hope it is accepted becuas ei have no chash to go to school and on top of tuition i need to cough up 1,200 for a uniform …Uhg i dont want to open another student loan i have one from 10 years ago and had to defer it


          Sorry you are going through all of this. The way I see it is keep pestering them. they should have done direct deposit. it’s stupid of them not to.
          books and everything are pricy too. that’s why i couldn’t finish my college years. it’s supposed to be a community college and yet they still milk you for every penny you have. tuition wasn’t too bad, but the books were outrageous.
          i feel your pain.

          My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


            I think they’ll still accept the FAFSA, you just won’t be able to get a Pell grant, if I remember right. Don’t ask me about the details, cuz I obviously don’t know ’em.

            The FAO is gonna be sick of me ’til I get my money.


            Rusti wrote:

            Is this system deliberately set up to bleed every last penny from the poor schmoes that are just trying to get an education?


            I feel your pain, Rusti, really. I could go on my own rant about my own college 🙁 Just keep telling yourself “eyes on the prize” during the really annoying and frustrating parts. It’ll be worth it one day when you can look back and give the whole business the hand gesture of your choice.


              school sux…and it’s expensive. Hang in there girl. 🙂


                purplecat wrote:

                school sux…and it’s expensive. Hang in there girl. 🙂

                I know, I graduate with my first bachelor’s at 27 in two months. I don’t have that far to go, now I just have to find a job!

                I suppose I could freelance in the meantime.

                It just makes me sad that you’re not able to get anywhere in this country without a college education, and yet it’s so insanely expensive and difficult to pay for. People get [insert rude expression concerning the nether regions and lack of lube here] before they even get started in life.

                Does it show that I’m totally disappointed and disgusted?


                Rusti wrote:

                It just makes me sad that you’re not able to get anywhere in this country without a college education, and yet it’s so insanely expensive and difficult to pay for. People get [insert rude expression concerning the nether regions and lack of lube here] before they even get started in life.

                Does it show that I’m totally disappointed and disgusted?

                Yes, yes it does. I feel the pain of expensive university… I’ve put over 10 grand into it already. Kinda depressing.


                Ah college…We still refer to my diploma as one of the most expensive pieces of paper we own. 😆

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  Keplilly wrote:

                  Ah college…We still refer to my diploma as one of the most expensive pieces of paper we own. 😆

                  Ain’t that the bleedin’ truth!


                    My mother is the reason I got through college with so little debt. She is so good at researching things that she was able to find all the loans and grants that I could apply for. I went to college 5 years and only ended up with $5,000 in loans, so she knows her stuff.

                    She writes a column for a local newspaper about how to get grants and loans. If anyone would like to read her info, it starts here: http://prescottenews.com/features/columnists/scholarship-toolkit-the-numbers-game-part-1.html

                    The rest of them can be found by doing a search for the exact phrase: Scholarship Toolkit. Some of it is area-specific, but a lot of it is general information.

                    She also said in reply to your comment about the Pell Grant and FAFSA: “A Pell Grant is the grant you are awarded (if eligible) when you fill out the FAFSA. The other things you get when you fill out the FAFSA are Work/Study opportunities and loan eligibility. So basically, the Pell Grant is a part of the FAFSA program.”

                    My understanding is that the money you get from FAFSA is called a Pell Grant.

                    She’s going to write a book someday. 😀

                    Hope it helps!


                      Hang in there!!

                      After seeing what you americans shell out for College/University, it makes me glad I went to school in Canada. It’s still expensive though.


                        Rusti wrote:

                        It just makes me sad that you’re not able to get anywhere in this country without a college education, and yet it’s so insanely expensive and difficult to pay for. People get [insert rude expression concerning the nether regions and lack of lube here] before they even get started in life.

                        Does it show that I’m totally disappointed and disgusted?

                        Even with an education and years of professional experience, it’s getting very hard to find jobs right now.

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com

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