
Who loves StarWars

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    remember how you felt watching the original trilogly ..wonderious excited for the next chaper.

    Remeber how you felt watching the new triology , WT… and that duck thing OMG THIS ISNT STAR WARS , WHY IS VADER SUCH A WOOSIE !!!!

    We all wanted to head to Skywalker ranch and pimp slap the taste out of Lucus for ruining our childhood fantasy of flying through space , meeting wookies , killing ewoks , having a drink with a friendly band of Jawa ..and rocking out to Max Rebo and his band , … Well hold that pimp slap for a second more to gain a little tension. Lucus is bringing Star Wars Clone Wars out as a CGI cartoon , no not Clone wars from the second series but clone wars durring the war . Why so pissy about it ,the plot is The Sith have kidnapped Jabba The Hutts son and try to blame it on the Jedi so the Jedi Coucil makes a pact with Jabba to save his son….. Who gives two giant frog turds about Jabbas son , Jabba was cool but 3rd rate by charactor standards ,

    I think ill go burn my StarWars toys now …i feel ashamed

    by the way here is the link to the trailer for you to make your own opinion




      Ugg, I’m not liking the sound of that plot line. I used to be a rabid Star Wars fan, but that has tempered some as I have gotten older. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy the series, but I’ve moved away from it and on to *hopefully* better things.

      And btw thanks for trying to break the tension!


      We’ll go see it. We loved the animated Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. 🙂


        We’ll prolly see it as well. My boys can’t wait; I have a wait and see attitude….

        twindragonsmum 😀



        Episodes 2 and 3 disappointed me so much! I guess we might see that one when the DVD’s real cheap :mrgreen:

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          I have yet to watch Star Wars. Does not interest me.


          The original trillogy…. I loved them. I had the original toys too. And the trading cards….

          I didn’t mind the next movie… but, I still love the original the best. I remember seeing it at the drive in. It was great. When we moved in to the “new house” when I was 4, my bedroom had starwars wallpaper. I loved it. Unfortunatly my parents didn’t. They changed it to this little boy and girl old fashioned Holly Hobby type wallpaper. I hated that wallpaper…..


          I loved the original trilogy. Just picked up the Special Edition version. The new trilogy underwhelmed me, unfortunately. The cartoon series didn’t do anything for me either. Then I discovered “Lord of the Rings” and barely watch “Star Wars” anymore! 😆


          My bf is a huge SW fan. He’ll drag us to see it, I’m sure.

          I don’t even have the original trilogy on DVD yet. And I won’t even rant here about the first 3.


            I still have some of my old Star Wars figures, in the big Darth Vader head, and trading cards. My folks wouldn’t let me get the bedsheets, so hitting thrift stores and buying them is one of the first things I did when I got my 1st job. Still have the boxed hardcover set of ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Han Solo at Star’s End’ too! (and the giant 2-part comic book adaptation of episode IV, read it before I saw the movie, then pestered my grandpa until he took me).

            Guess I qualify as sorta-fanboy, not entirely sure I’ll see the movie (not a CGI fan and teh plot sounds off) but part of me will always be that 10 year old tomboy seeing a movie the likes of which I’d never dreamed of for the 1st time.


              I just saw the first 3 movies and that was a long time ago


              I liked episodes 4,5 and 6 (the first three to come out).

              I HATED episodes 1,2, and 3 and if there’s a CGI coming out I won’t touch it with a 5 ft pole. Make that a 12 ft pole.


              I’ll probably watch it just because I love seeing the machines and critters in the other six movies. But I agree – the original trilogy was the best.


              I loved the original trilogy. Can’t say the same for the second.

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