I think there was a goof – there were 20 dragons under black violet but I think they were black emeralds (the number was 512-BEP) and they disappeared first. I’m about to wear out my refresh button!
For a VERY brief period there were two “just added” laps – both had the picture of the BVP and both said BVP but the first one had 20 dragons and the number was for the BEP. I’m guessing there was a slight mix up and they pulled the descriptions until they fixed them.
For a VERY brief period there were two “just added” laps – both had the picture of the BVP and both said BVP but the first one had 20 dragons and the number was for the BEP. I’m guessing there was a slight mix up and they pulled the descriptions until they fixed them.
Actually, one seemed to have more green on her wings than the other. Other than that though… they both looked very similar.