
"Hidden" Auctions

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    Curiousity is getting the better of me….
    Somebody mentioned a hidden auction on eBay. What are they usually, and how do you find them? Doesn’t that kind of negate the whole premise behind an auction?



      Some sellers on Ebay don’t list the items in the correct place or with the correct name. So you have to search all of Ebay with keywords such as Dragon or Wizard.
      As you can imagine, this take a lot of time, but normally if you find it, the payoff is really good.
      Bad for the seller but good for the buyer who finds it.


        Also, there are two trains of thought as to should members post hidden auctions for others’ benefit, or should it not be posted at all.
        Normally if someone else has found say a hidden auction of an White Lap that has potential of going really low, and second person who finds it and doesn’t want it, but posts it for others… The first person might get a little miffed. But a third person will say thankya big-big!
        (sorry, just got done reading Wolves of the Calla) πŸ˜†

        I don’t care one way or the other. What will be will be…


          If you find a hidden auction, you are encouraged not to post it on the Forum. If it’s not something you want, you can always PM somebody that does….

          edited to add….yeah, what Phoenix said, too. Thanky-sai! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


            My husband once got a necklace off ebay that was listed in the antique books category! He got it for a steal. Still need to take it to get it appraised though. πŸ˜†


            I see we have a couple of Stephen King fans. πŸ˜‰
            Read ’em all, except for Danse Macabre. Even though I like the way he talks when interviewed, and I love the way he writes most times, I jsut couldn’t get into that one……


            Well, I guess this gives me a new hobby while surfing through eBay. πŸ˜† As if I don’t already spend so much time there, right? πŸ™„ And now that I think about it, one of the dragons I won on there was actually listed as a “hatching Unicorn” but posted with the correct photo.


              I read Danse, but I don’t remember any of it….just like “On Writing”. I need to read the DT series again….this time taking my time with it. πŸ˜† My all time favorite is “IT”.


                We all float down here… 😈 Okay, sorry for highjacking the thread.


                  Jasmine wrote:

                  We all float down here… 😈 Okay, sorry for highjacking the thread.

                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    Really really good book…
                    Swan Song by Robert McCammon.
                    Starts slow, but a seriously great book!


                    Phoenix wrote:

                    Really really good book…
                    Swan Song by Robert McCammon.
                    Starts slow, but a seriously great book!

                    I agree; the part about finding the melted glass and gemstones at what was left of Tiffany’s was great, and the description of the busload of dead people scared the hell out of me!

                    I like the McCaffery books. It remains to be seen if the son, Todd can fill his mom’s shoes, tho’. πŸ˜‰


                    Phoenix wrote:

                    Also, there are two trains of thought as to should members post hidden auctions for others’ benefit, or should it not be posted at all.
                    Normally if someone else has found say a hidden auction of an White Lap that has potential of going really low, and second person who finds it and doesn’t want it, but posts it for others… The first person might get a little miffed. But a third person will say thankya big-big!
                    (sorry, just got done reading Wolves of the Calla) πŸ˜†

                    I don’t care one way or the other. What will be will be…

                    That book is awesome! πŸ˜€ I’ve got the whole set.

                    *Points at her siggy*


                    Hmmm…maybe I should change the name of the thread to Stephen King reader–Unite! πŸ˜†

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