
Peacock Questions

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    So I’m looking at the new Peacock young that arrived today, and comparing it to my original Peacock young and I noticed there’s quite a difference in the paint jobs. I know my original one is from back in the 80’s, since that’s when I bought him. This new guy is a MIB with his tag, and he’s quite different from his older brother. He’s not as heavily antiqued, has less of that green, and his blue leans more towards the purple-ish side. He has more gold accents, but less of the lavender and turquoise spot scales. I’m sure I’ll find more differences as time goes on. 😉
    It got me thinking, though. Were any of the young, males and mothers done in what I think of as the newer Peacock? And I noticed the newer Peacocks didn’t have the pink, lavender and turquoise spots.
    And another thing–I just got a Peacock OW yesterday. I was looking at him comparing between the Special Painted OW I got from eBay, and I noticed that the hole in the Peacock’s wing goes all the way though, but on the Special OW, it doesn’t. So which way is it supposed to be?



    I think I read somewhere that the special old warriors have a couple differences another being the wing touches the back of the head?

    My peacocks vary too I have some of the older ones that are duller coloring and some of the newer ones that are more vibrant and ‘glossy’ colored, more air brushed looking to me- like the OW you just got. I don’t think i’ve ever seen a mother in the brighter colors- that’s a good question if they were done making her in peacock by the time they started with the brighter colors..


      The older peacocks are painted with less vibrant colors and more antique. Personally, I think these look better. Later, they started painting them using much brighter greens/blues/purples because they looked better in store displays.

      The Ebay old warriors are the prototype versions. They have a lot more dings and scratches, the head touches the wings, and the hole in the wing goes all the way though. These were to be to production version, but the wing was causing problems so the sculpture had to be changed to the version that we see now as regular production.


      Pam Thompson wrote:

      The older peacocks are painted with less vibrant colors and more antique. Personally, I think these look better. Later, they started painting them using much brighter greens/blues/purples because they looked better in store displays.

      The Ebay old warriors are the prototype versions. They have a lot more dings and scratches, the head touches the wings, and the hole in the wing goes all the way though. These were to be to production version, but the wing was causing problems so the sculpture had to be changed to the version that we see now as regular production.

      ? I’ve never seen a special one but the hole on the regular peacock goes all the way through..


        Hmm, ur right. For some reason I thought the prototypes had a hole going through both wings, not just one, but I just checked and the hole is the same on both. When I had asked about why the old warriors were changed, I was told that the hole on the wing went through both wings and it was causing the wings to break. But if they are both the same… I have no idea why they were changed then. 😕


          They were changed because the wing touching the head was a weak point and caused them to fracture more frequently in that area. Also they were worried many of the dings and scratches would be mistaken as casting flaws, so many were taken out.

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          This Peacock OW’s head isn’t touching his wing.
          Tatt2d, you got this guy at a brick and mortor store, right? He still has a pricetag on his hang tag….
          I don’t think he’s a prototype. He *IS* beautiful, tho’ and I LOVE him! 😉
          But I noticed the hole in his wing does go all the way through, and the Magic Invisible Paint Red Fire OW’s doesn’t. It doesn’t go through BOTH wings–just the left one.


            Thanks nam, for clearing that up.

            The prototypes were never made regular production, so the only way to get one is of off ebay (unless windstone sold some through their own online store??). The easiest way to tell a prototype from a regular OW is to check and see if the head touches the wing.


            tasgrs wrote:

            This Peacock OW’s head isn’t touching his wing.
            Tatt2d, you got this guy at a brick and mortor store, right? He still has a pricetag on his hang tag….
            I don’t think he’s a prototype. He *IS* beautiful, tho’ and I LOVE him! 😉
            But I noticed the hole in his wing does go all the way through, and the Magic Invisible Paint Red Fire OW’s doesn’t.

            Oh no he’s not a prototype lol! Yes he came from a regular store. I was saying your special one might have the head touching the wing, and I was saying that the regular one (peacock) had a hole all the way through 😀


              I have a very early Peacock Emperor and he is different from my later ones – Hatiching Emperor and Empress, Fledgling, Scratching and Coiled


                If the head and wing aren’t touching, it isn’t a prototype. There are other things, more subtle that are different, but that is most obvious, and easiest, thing to look for.


                I didn’t think the Peacock OW was a prototype for a minute. I was just curious about the hole.:lol:

                I am fascinated by the differences in the same paint scheme. I’ve taken some pictures of the 2 side by side, and will try to get them up. I’m not sure the quality will be enough to really point up the differences, tho’. It’s kinda cool! This is the first time I’ve had 2 pieces of the same statue in the same color. Even though I know how the pieces are painted, I guess it just never occurred to me to think they’d be that different. I guess this just points up some of the neat things that make these guys special. 😀

                So does anybody know if the older scupltures were ever done in the “newer” Peacock? Enquiring minds wanna know! 😆 I think we got kind of sidetracked on the OW…


                  Yes the old original family pieces (mother, male, hatching, young and emperor) came in the newer versions of peacock. I have a peacock mother that is heavy on the purple shades. It’s part of the reason I picked her up for a friend.


                  Thanks, peg. But that is the coloration I think of as the “older” one.
                  These photos are what I think of as the “newer” paint….assuming this works.

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