
Another question, then…

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    I think you might have mentioned it before, but what the heck 😀

    I’m curious about your store. Aside from Windstones, what else do you sell? What’s your biggest seller?

    You also teach… does that make it hard with the store?

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I don’t actually have a store. I became a Windstone dealer before having an actual store was a requirement. I sell at science fiction conventions and online.

      I have other items online, including fairies, other unicorns, my husband’s art (Fairy Fossils), and his Role-Playing Game Elevation Indicators (that were just nominated for a big award).

      I am also getting ready to put jewelry on the website. I’ve made some in the past and sell it at conventions. However, my hands have become sore with tendonitis, and it’s too difficult for me to keep up with it, so I’m not going to be selling jewelry (at least not in the quantities I have in the past) as much.

      I also sell rocks at conventions. I may put them on the store, or I may not. I haven’t decided yet.

      I’ve closed my Ebay store, so I have a lot of things to get rid of right now, so I’m working on that too.

      My biggest seller is the Trio of Cats Candlelamp from Windstone and my husband’s Fairy Fossil specimen #1, which is now sold out (limited production). We have sold 50 of that design of Fairy Fossil! At conventions, I sell lots of fairies and the bronze unicorns and griffins. I also sell a lot of the skulls (see the Gothic page).

      I am currently a part-time professor at St. Cloud State University. But that job will be over with after this week. Hopefully, just for the summer. Hopefully, I’ll be hired back in the fall. I only teach one class right now, and I work my schedule around the one or two conventions I go to during the semester. Most of my conventions are in the summer, so it works out well. I’m trying to get a full-time position for the fall.


      Is it hard to get a full-time teaching position? It seems like we’re always short of teachers down here, although that might not be the case at the college level. 🙂


        It’s hard to get a full-time college position with a master’s degree and not a Ph.D. The position I’m trying to get is a Fixed-Term position. It is still temporary. I cannot be on the tenure track at the university because I don’t have a Ph.D.

        Most of the position in colleges are very competitive. I don’t have a lot of experience yet either, so that doesn’t help. I’m taking work where I can get it at this point.

        I don’t have the right degree to teach K-12, and don’t think I’d have the patience for it anyway. I teach English composition and would like to teach some other English classes, but they’d have to be at college level.


          Are you currently teaching Literature or did I just imagine that? Is there a particular genre you enjoy more than another and what do you like to read for relaxation?

          twindragonsmum 😀



          It’s hard to believe that a Master’s isn’t enough. Are Ph.D.’s so common these days??? 😯


          starbreeze wrote:

          It’s hard to believe that a Master’s isn’t enough. Are Ph.D.’s so common these days??? 😯

          For universities, usually, all the profs have PhDs… With a Master’s, you can be a teacher’s assistant, but that’s usually while you’re working on your masters or your PhD. It is a tough environment, I think.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Are you currently teaching Literature or did I just imagine that? Is there a particular genre you enjoy more than another and what do you like to read for relaxation?

            twindragonsmum 😀

            The last class I taught (the one I’m grading final papers for now) is a writing class based on literature. It’s called Writing in the Humanities. It’s actually a little harder for me to teach and for the students too. I decided to use science fiction texts for the literature, and taught them about allegories (how something like robots actually stand for something else, like a servant-class person). I try to get them to see beyond the literal to the implied – what the story is about isn’t necessarily what it means.

            They still write papers about how everyone should have robots for servants. It’s very hard for them to get.

            There are not a lot of Ph.D.s but there are a lot of Ph.D.s who would like to switch jobs, or maybe they retired and need to work a bit because of the economy. Those are the people going after the job I want.

            What do I like to read for relaxation? I read science fiction, fantasy, and some classic literature. I’m trying to get through the Harry Dresden books right now. I’m currently working on the fourth one, Summer Knight. I don’t actually have a lot of time to read for relaxation right now. Maybe in the summer.


              Any plans to go for your Ph.D.?


                Yes, but I want to get some experience first. And I’m not getting any younger. (I’m turning 43 soon.) A Ph.D. may take 5-9 years, so it may not be feasible.


                I love the Harry Dresden books!!! I’m only a couple ahead of you. 😉


                  starbreeze wrote:

                  I love the Harry Dresden books!!! I’m only a couple ahead of you. 😉

                  😆 I’ve finished all of them, except the latest Small Favors. I HATE waiting for books to come out in paperback, but I can’t afford many hardbacks – monetary wise or space wise. I may have to see about getting a library card and seeing if the library on post has it.


                  I haven’t gotten that one yet either. 🙂


                    emerald212 wrote:

                    I don’t actually have a store. I became a Windstone dealer before having an actual store was a requirement. I sell at science fiction conventions and online.

                    I have other items online, including fairies, other unicorns, my husband’s art (Fairy Fossils), and his Role-Playing Game Elevation Indicators (that were just nominated for a big award).

                    I am also getting ready to put jewelry on the website. I’ve made some in the past and sell it at conventions. However, my hands have become sore with tendonitis, and it’s too difficult for me to keep up with it, so I’m not going to be selling jewelry (at least not in the quantities I have in the past) as much.

                    I also sell rocks at conventions. I may put them on the store, or I may not. I haven’t decided yet.

                    I’ve closed my Ebay store, so I have a lot of things to get rid of right now, so I’m working on that too.

                    My biggest seller is the Trio of Cats Candlelamp from Windstone and my husband’s Fairy Fossil specimen #1, which is now sold out (limited production). We have sold 50 of that design of Fairy Fossil! At conventions, I sell lots of fairies and the bronze unicorns and griffins. I also sell a lot of the skulls (see the Gothic page).

                    I am currently a part-time professor at St. Cloud State University. But that job will be over with after this week. Hopefully, just for the summer. Hopefully, I’ll be hired back in the fall. I only teach one class right now, and I work my schedule around the one or two conventions I go to during the semester. Most of my conventions are in the summer, so it works out well. I’m trying to get a full-time position for the fall.What ever happened with that one girl who kept missing classes… I think that was what she was doing… and she was begging you for a passing grade? Did she ever get it?

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