
Stripy Winged Male Griffin?

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      I have a question about the old brown male griffins. Were there two versions? Was there a ‘normal’ version as listed on Astral Castle, and then a stripy winged version to match the new stripy winged female? Or is the stripy winged female an updated version of the brown female? I’d like to have that complete family at some point, and am wondering if a stripy winged female is supposed to go with the old brown that I see on Astral Castle, or if there’s a stripy winged brown male out there somewhere.
      Sorry if that doesn’t make much sense, I’ve had lots of caffeine tonight in an attempt to delay the eventual rise of Monday. 😀



          Windstone made two versions of the tan male Griffin. A stripey version and a non-stripey version. Actually, mine is kinda in between…he has some stripes, but I’ve seen others with a lot more. Melody made one batch of non-stripey tan females to match those males and this batch of stripey females to go with stripey males. We think she’ll be making more of the non-stripey females some day. Does that help? 🙂


            Yes, and the stripey male griffins are more rare. I’ve seen a couple on Ebay lately though.


              A quote from Melody:

              Melody wrote:

              I need to point out that the stripy and non-stripy winged males weren’t made as two distinct colors. They are all part of the same run; the paint pattern just “drifted” over time.

              You can see photos of the drifting gryphon colors in this thread

              I’m not sure about the rarity of the stripey male, I seem to see an even mix of both lately. I wonder if anyone has been tracking whether the Ebay sales are for stripey or non stripey. ❓


                I haven’t been tracking the difference between stripy and non stripy tan male griffins because it’s to darn hard to tell from ebay photos sometimes if it is one or the other.


                  Alright. So, they sort of are different, but weren’t intended to be. So if I bought a stripy female, and found a non-stripy male, they would still be a happy pair. 😀



                    My stripey male has the med. blue eyes.


                    Ive been barked at here by someone who likes to know everything and have been boldly told that they are the same griffin. I say bull cause I have the tan and I have the striped males. They are displayed next to each other because they are SO very different and very obviously so. When I can, I’ll get pix of them up so I can prove my point that they are both worth acquiring based on their differences.

                    Whether or not it was accidental that some males left striped (which I understand… just like the jade emerald pieces; happy accidents; serendipity) when they were all supposed to be tan makes them more rare. I appreciate that and it pleases me to hear. But, had Windstone wanted to sell them as different griffins, they are such, that they could have.


                      I agree with PT. They look so different. They really could be a separate color altogether.

                      I agree that it’s just like the Emerald line having a few Jade pieces made. The Tan line had a few Stripey pieces made. I have them both, and they are not the same at all. There is a huge difference between them, and it’s easy to tell in pictures which is which. At least, I think so.

                      I haven’t bought the Stripey Female though. I got a Gold Spot Female from Ebay for my Stripey Male. But I may get a Stripey Female sometime later, if they’re still around. I can’t afford much right now and would like the Beagle Griffin if he ever comes back (and his family too). I need to save up. 😀


                      And I agree with Emerald in that when I see one or the other in photos, I can tell in a snap which is which with zero confusion or question.

                      I desperately want to snag a stripey female for my tan and striped tan griffins. I had asked Melody months ago if there would be more brown females and she was surprised they were even out of stock. Yet, they still are. But Id rather a striped female now given a choice but, short on money the next couple months. I really hope they stick around but if they go, more will be made, I pray.


                        Do all stripey winged males have the darker brown on on the leading edge of the wing like Lokie’s?

                        If so then boy have I been blind to the biggest way to tell the Stripey and Non-Stripey Tan Males apart. I always thought it was the stripes on the wings at the edge of each line of feathers but I’ve seen that vary so much that I never paid attention to the other potential cue.

                        As you can see my brown male is a Non-Stripey version and he has the lighter color on the leading edge of his wing.


                          Mine is a stripey male and he has the brown like Lokie’s. 😉


                            Mine is a stripey male. Actually mine is a test paint that Melody had and gave me with the thought of “he’s not how I wanted them, too stripey” which is where the term came from. Mine looks like Loki’s.

                            Sorry for the bad angle on him.

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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                              Might be a bad angle, but I can still see that he does have the brown just behind the shoulder and on the leading edge of the wing like Lokie’s. 😯 Wow I’ve been blind when looking at the pictures all this time. By the way Jenn, beautiful Windstone collection!

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