
How many members have horses?

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    Is is me or does there seem to be a lot of folks here that have horses/ponies?
    How about sharing what kinds of equines we all have?

    I’ll start with mine:
    I breed Arabians. I have 1 stallion, RB Bellagio age 22 years, 4 mares, SS Fajulya 23, CSA Amira Kista 11, CSA Jerusha 10, and KRH Sabrina Jewel 6, 1 filly GTS Al Mas Hura 2, 1 colt, GTS Hanshouf (pending) age 1 month, and last but certainly not least, my 3/4 Arab Pinto gelding Xanadu Shahwan who is our senior citizen at 30 years old.
    I ride and drive, have shown more in harness than under saddle, (especially lately… 🙁 ) do Civil War and Revolutionary War reenactments, parades, team penning and try to get out for quiet trail rides whenever my time and health allow. The bloodlines I’m breeding are relatively rare within the Arab gene pool, and the main reason for breeding was to have more horses with the hallmark “In your tent” temperaments that the Arabs used to be known for, before the halter show world blackened the breed’s reputation. (Long story, and unless everyone wants to hear a MAJOR rant, not gonna go there… 😛 )
    So how about it, fellow horse owners? C’mon–pony up! (pun intended 😆 )



      I don’t have a horse but always wanted one as a kid but never lived anywhere it was possible. It sounds like you have a great life


      We have five and a rather eclectic mix.
      Easter Gal 19 an Appendix mare, Lily 9, a Shire/Arab,
      Jasman 8, our Polish bred Arabian, Banjo 13 a Mustang/Morgan and Scout 13 a tri-color Tennessee Walker. There are pictures in the pets thread 😀



      I don’t know the number without counting LOL my family breeds foundation QH’s… currently 3 studs, 4 geldings, 5 mares, one foal on ground 3 more to come, 3 yearlings… I think that’s everyone.


        Hmm, lets see, I have
        1 arabian mare,
        1 Standardbred mare,
        2 Thoughrobreds: 1 10 yr old mare and 1 2yr old filly
        2 pintos, half arab. 1 Gelding 10 yrs, and 1 filly 2yrs


        😯 I didn’t know there WAS a pets thread. Then again, I didn’t wade through every last page on the forum, either. 😉

        It’s a good life to the best extent it can be here in NJ. The way things are going, it’ll be too expensive and too crowded to live here too much more. The only thing keeping me here is the husband’s job; once he retires, we’ll be outta here so fast all anyone will see will be tail lights and a dust trail. I hate NJ, and have ever since I was a kid. My job allows me a great deal of freedom to possibly relocate to, and we’ve started looking at property in other states. I work full time as well as running the “farm” (farmette would probably be a better term…) and the hubby has 35 years with the same company. I can’t exactly yank him out of here just yet.


          HA! In my dreams! Literally….


            I agree 100% tasgrs. We’re looking to move out of NJ eventually, too.


            Three horses…1 16 year old arabian gelding, Dancer.
            1 3 year old QH mare.
            1 6 year old QH/Arab gelding.

            Details, I’ve had Dancer since he was a 2 year old, and trained him mostly myself with a brief 2 month layover with a professional trainer for polish.

            The 3 year old is only halter broke, and she trailers well, other than that, all I know is she is really shy and hard to catch, she’s only been with us a week now, so it will take some time to get to know her.

            The 6 year old is greenbroke, which means he knows about saddles and being ridden, but is still easily spooked and unsure. He also is rather shy, but more along the lines of deliberate “I don’t want to be caught” shyness, versus the mare’s, “I’m not sure I trust you yet” shyness.

            Dancer of course is just a ham…he comes running when I show up. I love him.

            My history with horses…I’ve been riding since I was 12, I worked at the stables to earn my lessons, since my parents could not afford lessons and it was the only way. I got my first horse, Cricket, when I was 19, my now husband bought her for me, she died 10 years ago due to colic. My second horse was/is Dancer. Third horse was Cinnamon, she died three years ago due to old age. Overall I have been involved with horses for the last 26 years, and I am so very glad to be able to continue to have them in my life. These last three years without Dancer was rough, I am so happy he’s home.



            We Love it here in the South. I’m MI born and raised and my husband was a Navy brat. We came here 12 years ago because of work. All of both our families are in MI. I miss them terribly and our parents health is getting bad BUT Our kids have settled in here. Two married one headed for college and the youngest pretty much raised here. So here is where I’ll stay and everywhere else is to visit 😆

            I got my first horse when I was sixteen. Raised her foal after she died from serum hepatitis. Had to sell him when my husband joined the Air Force and we were sent to Oregon (Orygun) Twenty-four years and four kids later I finally got a horse again. 😆 Had to re-learn everything. Now we have the five and I love every minute with them.


            Gah! Why is it that if the saddle is sized for a kid, it is also only supposed to go on a damn pony?? Why!

            I don’t want to get a saddle for my son and then find that it doesn’t fit on his horse.

            Okay, rant over.



            of the first palomino baby ever born here! His mama is Cash, who was at one time my best riding buddy. Then she reinjured herself and now she is just a full time mommy 🙂 And a darn good one at that- if you don’t breed her one year she’ll try to mama someone else’s baby! She is awesome.


              tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

              if you don’t breed her one year she’ll try to mama someone else’s baby! She is awesome.

              I used to volunteer at a horse farm that had an old Appaloosa broodmare (1/2 Arabian, can’t remember the other half) that was only happy when she had a baby at her side. If she didn’t she would start to be a little nasty to the other horses that shared her pasture space.


              … don’t even get me started on horses lol I figured as long as I was in my Webshots and Cash is one of my favorites I’d show you last year’s baby too:

              And Queen Jezebel for good measure 😀

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