It’s over, I’ll be pm the winners.
Thanks so much!
Small owie Emerald Sitting Spectral: Current offer $220
Mint Emerald Mother Dragon: $75 no box tag is bad Current offer $150
Mint Emerald Father Dragon: $75 current offer $150
Small boo boo Emerald Mother coiled: Current offer $200 HAVE BOX! No tag. Boo Boo pics below
Mint Emerald Father Coiled: $95 no box Current offer $100
Mint Emerald Scratcher: $230 no box Current Offer $190
Mint Emerald Curlie: $60 may have box Current offer $60Mint Old Green Curled: $60 has box Current Offer $120
Chipped Rainbow Fledge: $60 no box current offer $60(chipped but got a quote from Kyrin for $15 fix. Don’t know if that price is still good)
I’ve decided I need to clean and make room, so I’m selling some of my emerald dragons. It’s the color I’ve been collecting forever so have most pieces.
First is my sitting spectral: Missing the red gem on her forehead, tag is there, but bent. Small repair chip on one toe. She’s stunning and has great color! Quick sale: $175 obo plus shipping.
See below for all pieces currently for sale
I’ll be taking pictures of the rest of my emeralds, but if you are looking for a certain piece, I’ll entertain offers. The only ones I don’t have is the emperor and the riser.
Scratcher is mint. Mother is mint. Father is mint. father coiled is mint. Mother coiled has a repair on the bottom, but is not noticable displayed. Will take pictures.
The royal hatchers, Old Warrior, and the Lap are the ones I’m not certain I really want to sell yet.
Because of the delay of posting pictures, I’m closing the sale Tuesday at 7:00 pm PST.