
How to ship Windstones 101

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody How to ship Windstones 101

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    Ok, so many repeated discussions about this subject brought this question to mind.

    It’s not really an ask Melody question specifically, but who knows, it might be a good suggestion if it’s not something already being done.

    A brick and morter dealer shipped a Lap dragon to me and although they assured it would be well packed, and it was, it still was damaged.

    The short and skinny as to why it received some damage on route was that, although it was bubble-wrapped very well and double boxed, it was in a box on it’s own that was almost twice as long as it was.

    Soooo, I was wondering, do you folks at Windstone offer tutorials, advice, suggestions, web-links, recommend that they keep the original boxes, mandatory testing that will be graded by Chessie …. add naseum, to your dealers on shipping these very delicate sculptures?

    They really are shipping fodder without your original boxes.


    ~Hoofer has squeeked

    PS Horses squeek to ya know. 8)



    Yes, there is a packing tutorial out there, but I’m not sure where it is. The more knowledgable folks here will be able to direct you.

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      Ah yes, I saw those. I kinda meant … does Windstone themselves go over this sort of thing with dealers when they sign on to become dealers.

      Ya know …

      “We can’t stress enough how fragile these things are and highly recommend shipping with the original containers in order to greatly reduce the risk of damage. to see the damage that could happen if you choose to try and ship without the original box.”

      Yada, yada. 8)

      Of note, this post is more in jest than anything really. I do realize that Windstone can’t exactly dictate that a dealer must use the original containers, they can only recommend it and show why.

      I was just curious if they go to that extent.

      ~Hoofer has nickered


        I received no packing instructions from Windstone when I became a dealer.

        But I used to own a flea market business before I had the one I have now, so I already knew how to pack fragiles (even more fragile than Windstones). Other people don’t all have that knowledge.

        One thing you could do is to include the web address to that packing tutorial into any correspondence you may have with the dealers. It may be difficult over the phone, but you could still do it I suppose.


        emerald212 wrote:

        I received no packing instructions from Windstone when I became a dealer.

        But it should be obvious to the meanest intelligence that the boxes Windstone ships in are specifically designed to protect their contents, and that a dealer should be passing those same boxes on to the customer.

        The main problem is probably with those who are dealing with sculptures that did not come direct from the factory. But that’s not Windstone’s affair.

        However, I am sure there are small shops out there where they get Windstones in, display them, and lose the box because they think the box is generic. And of course purchasers of the Windstone statues throw the boxes away because they think their sole purpose is to make sure the statue gets home OK in the car.

        My suggestion would be for Windstone to print up fairly large color stickydowns of the Windstone logo to attach to each of the brown boxes. That way the retailer and collector can see that this is not a throwaway box; it’s a Windstone Collectible box.


          that is a very good idea…


            At least something that will tell the consumer and retailer that they will NOT be able to replace the box if damaged, lost or stolen.
            The dealer I found a LOT of Windstones from in Sacramento said he simply did not have enough room to keep the boxes


              That’s a good idea, Dave!


                It is a good idea, but no matter what the box looks like, I still don’t have room to store them:-/


                emerald212 wrote:

                That’s a good idea, Dave!

                I agree that is an EXCELLENT idea! Enchantica boxes had markings that let collectors know they were special. I never saw a store throw THOSE boxes away!


                lamortefille wrote:

                It is a good idea, but no matter what the box looks like, I still don’t have room to store them:-/

                I have the same problem. I have saved a lot of the boxes and I’m totally out of room. Some of the boxes will have to go soon. I’m just trying to decide which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of. I suppose PYO boxes will be the first to go, except for maybe the Keeper and unicorn boxes…. 😕


                When I first got into Windstone and didn’t know any better, I threw all of my boxes away. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago I started saving them.


                I understand most like to keep the boxes, but like others, I just didn’t have the room to keep mine. Oddly, in my move last year from NYC to Southern Cal, the ONLY Windstone that took damage was the one *in* his box– an older peacock youngster who chipped both his horns and one wing.

                My lap, my male dragon, all the other youngsters who were bubblewrapped rather than boxed, even the KiRin male who was stuffed (no clue how this happened; must have been the one day my neighbor ‘helped’ pack) into a box, surrounded by balled up newspaper came out fine in a trip via *freight train* as that was how we had to ship things.

                So I’m thinking even with original boxes it is a “your mileage may vary” when moving.

                Then again, I rip off tags, and toss packing materials the second I get my new sparklies. 😉

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