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    I’ve so much work to catch up on, I don’t even know where to start. Now that my sickness has infected the entire dorm and has circled back to me in the form of a stomach virus WHOOPIE! Lol, I’m just laughing about it at this point. Food just started to taste normal and now the thought of food just makes me nausious. Anyway, I’ve narrowed it down to reading for World Literature since I’m the most behind in that and I have that class tomorrow and two quizzes to finish. Also the paragraph for Creative Writing, and then just regular home work for Advanced Comp. & Grammar, of which I have that next so I’m praying he won’t assign much of which he doesn’t normaly, but you know he is because that’s how my luck is ^^’
    Anyway, if you can believe, this isn’t the worst I’ve ever procrastinated. The worst was when I was taking Shakespeare’s Comedies course and I waited till the end of the semester to write the research papers for each play that we did. I was awake for three days straight finishing all of them. But I did get an “A” in the class.



      Yuck! I remember those days. The one thing that kept me sane was making a list of everything that I had to do. That really helped me prioritize and relax, because I knew I wouldn’t forget something.


        I also can remember those days – sometimes with an ugh other times I remember how much fun those times were


        I’m just so sick of school, I was going to do summer school again but I dont’ think I can bring myself to do it. I think I’m just going to get a summer job and get healthy again. I’m tired of my illness kicking my butt. I’m taking action soon as I get better.


        i was going to toss in my opinion , but i’ll do it tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰


          Necron99 wrote:

          i was going to toss in my opinion , but i’ll do it tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰

          har dee har har!!
          besides next week is better!!


          Oh irony…


            TheRedWriter wrote:

            Oh irony…

            What else did you expect from us??


            lol, I love this site ^^ How could I have stayed away for so long, and for what, school? Pfft!


              I remember those days! Hang in there!

              Just a little idea of what the future holds for you:

              Sometimes I dream of failing a class and waiting too late in the semester to drop it…

              Or I dream about missing math class and panic, because I know I won’t have a clue the next class.

              I finished my Masters 10 years ago and I still dream of being late for class or not doing my homework…

              I ask you…how sick is that? College still haunts me. But then again, I dream of my days in the ER also.

              I swear, if I got paid for all the work I do while I am asleep, I would be a millionaire!!!

              Good luck, we all go through it, and you will be okay!

              Hugs, Kaya


              I know, it just keeps on getting harder and harder. I had to take a lot of credits this semester to keep a scholarship that I have. I usually go to summer school every summer but I think I’ll take this summer off. I can’t do it any more. I’d rather work than go to summer school again.


                I know what you’re talking about, Red. I hated school like the plague by time I finally passed my tests for my “high school/college” (everything’s a bit different in Europe) degree. And classes back then were only twice a week. Now I’ve started a new class onreal estate management, also only twice a week in the evenings, and I can’t stand it… I can’t even doodle properly!


                  Just keep plugging ahead, Red. I took summer classes the first 3 years I was in college…try to take something easy and not mind bending, if you can’t skip a summer. I feel your pain. I actually had nightmares that I wouldn’t graduate in 4 years. *shivers* I did it, though….somehow. ๐Ÿ˜‰


                  Lol, sometimes I think I go to college only for the fact that I have nothing else to do with my time *slaps forehead* But I’ll keep at it, can’t go for this long and not get a degree, that would be sad ^^

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