
Babies and Older Humanoid children

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      Ok so since it’s been coming up on the Boards a lot lately I figured I’ld give us our own place. Just trying to the Humanoid Children their own place from the Furkids!! LOL!!

      Who’s trying to Concieve?
      Who’s Pregnant?
      Who’s just had a baby?
      Who’s got older kids?

      And pertinent info such as Who What when where Why and umm How should be thought of as in Twins, Adoption, foster, things like that, ’cause we don’t need those other details, we should all know that part. Though things like “Surprise” and “Miracle” could also be thrown out there!!! 😀



          I’m so pregnant I’m about to burst…oh wait that’s just that jumbo softdrink I just had.

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel


            So I’ll start

            I have 1 Khym, Born Sept 2007, He’s my first and currently only. We didn’t try but we didn’t not try. (If you can figure out that) Our “Plan” was maybe think about trying starting some time in 2008 or later, He decided other wise. But we love him anyway, now if only he had been a few days early instead of late!!

            He had a hard first month but so far since then he’s doing more than fine, and we go see specialists starting next month to see if there’s going to be any residual long term effects, other than probably being on Pheno-Barb until after he’s 2.

            My mother has “Put in an Order” for at least 2 more,and the fact that she wants to retire and stay home with them as “Nanny” wouldn’t hurt that decision too badly, but we’re going to take it 1 baby at a time for now!!


              I have 1 daughter- Mariah- who will be 9 in September. No others now or in the future- my fiance would like another, but I told him no way shape or form. She’s a good kid (usually).


                None quite yet. I refuse until we’re married, not out of religious reasons or anything like that. I just want to be married first. Hopefully that will be in the next year or so.

                And hoping to only have one, (I’ve said that so many times that I’ve probably jinxed myself and end up having quintuplets) and I would like a girl…he would like a boy…just so long as he/she is healthy.


                I ave one bald kid, 😆 he turned 9 last month, no plans for another, bu i am not with his dad anymore and current BF thinks he might someday want one, but I am too old IMO.


                  I have three kids

                  Donovan Josua(age 6) we had him after we lost our first child in a miscarrage. He’s our “super fast” little man, who wants to be a superhero when he grows up

                  Vivacia Raine (age 2) we had separated, due to major marital problems, when we got back together, we decided to have a marital do-over, Vivacia was concieved right after. She’s our little ray of sunshine.

                  Aurora Melody (age 1) I got mastitis after having Vivacia, was put on medication, asked the nurses if the medication had ANY side effects, she said no. Well, she lied. Medications can and will cancel birth control. SURPRISE!! She is the cuddliest baby on the planet, we call her ‘pooh’ for short.



                    BiPolarBear wrote:

                    I’m so pregnant I’m about to burst…oh wait that’s just that jumbo softdrink I just had.

                    Everything you say is Classic. Gold star!

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    I’m married, but I’m not sure I want kids. I’m too worried that I won’t be a good mom. I mean I don’t think I’m very maternal. I’ve got lots of animals, but that’s different. Everyone that knows me even say that they can’t see me as a mom, and I kinda agree.

                    My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                    I’m trying now, well not right now, now I’m typing!
                    We lost our first more than 2 years ago.
                    Um… I’m an almost 5 year ovarian cancer survivor, and as my younger brother likes to say, I’m “half-spayed”. I am genetically predisposed to twins, fraternal, boy/girl. We have had twins every other generation back at least 10 generations. My mom is a twin, her mom’s mom was a twin, etc. and I’m 26.


                      the dragon collector wrote:

                      I’m married, but I’m not sure I want kids. I’m too worried that I won’t be a good mom. I mean I don’t think I’m very maternal. I’ve got lots of animals, but that’s different. Everyone that knows me even say that they can’t see me as a mom, and I kinda agree.

                      Not everyone has to have kids. I’m married too and pondering the possibility. My husband wants them, and I’m slowly warming up to the idea, but I’m not ready yet.


                      Oh, and BpB, that had me rofl!


                      Stephanie wrote:

                      the dragon collector wrote:

                      I’m married, but I’m not sure I want kids. I’m too worried that I won’t be a good mom. I mean I don’t think I’m very maternal. I’ve got lots of animals, but that’s different. Everyone that knows me even say that they can’t see me as a mom, and I kinda agree.

                      Not everyone has to have kids. I’m married too and pondering the possibility. My husband wants them, and I’m slowly warming up to the idea, but I’m not ready yet.

                      My husband wants like 5…I told him to keep dreaming. I’ll warm up to the idea once we get a HOUSE. This apartment is way too small for kids. It’s crowded enough with the pets. I want to be completely stable when it comes to money before the decision comes around…from the looks of things it won’t be for a while. And that’s fine with me.

                      My most wanted list: Peacock kitty wizard, carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                      I have 2, one boy, Alexander who will be 7 in June, and a little girl, Karli who will be 2 in May.

                      Both are wonderful kids, though Alex is a bit more of a challenge than his sister, part of ist is age, but most of it is that he is likely ADHD, and hyperactive doesn’t even begin to describe him. I love him anyway.


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