
The poop that defied gravity!

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      So its Wednesday night and here I sit in front of my computer playing everquest and surfing myspace. I have Alyssa in my lap because she was being fussy and holding her all the time seems to be one of the only things to make her happy. So I have her resting on my lap with my boppy in place to save my arms. My husband is sitting next to me playing on his computer. The next thing I know I hear Alyssa fart. Now mind you she is VERY loud when she farts and scares herself half the time. Danny hears her and starts laughing. Well she does it again and I can feel something hitting her diaper so I tell him you get to change her in a few minutes because she is doing more then farting. All of the sudden she lets a couple more good ones rip and I’m starting to get worried becaue I can feel this is going to be a full diaper. We both look at each other with the same worried look on our faces so I figure it would be safest to put her in the bassinet and let her finish her buisness. When I lift her up I can see her diaper has leaked around her legs, up her back and in the front. I’m yelling at my husband to help me as I hold her up not sure what to do with her. He takes one look over at me holding this poor baby in the air with poop leaking all over her onsie and he starts to laugh so hard he is crying. So he scares Alyssa and she starts crying. I’m yelling at him to help me but now he is pretty much on the floor in tears with laughter. I have poop all over me and poop all over Alyssa. I’m trying to find a pair of trauma shears to cut her onsie off because its sooooo full of poop. Finally Danny gets himself together and manages to get her bath tub together while I take off her biohazard of a onsie. So now my poor daughter is traumatized from the poop that defied gravity and the bath that followed. I feel so bad for her and my husband is still laughing about it. Just thought I would share. Oh yeah and click my purple egg so it will hatch lol.



          Another thread gone to sh*t!!
          I don’t understand how it defied gravity. I also have no idea what an onsie is???

          AAHH the joys of being a new parent!!



            reminds me of the other night….we were at Olive Garden….and this litte girl (about 3 yrs old)

            let out the hugest, loudest burp….

            and we laughed so hard and my friend was like…..how could something that big come out of something that little… 😯 😆


            *giggle, snort, laugh*

            Been there, done that! But oh your description is hilarious!

            At least she’s not a boy, Alexander had the ability to pee out the side of his diaper, no matter how well you tucked him in. Two years in a row, same convention, same person holding him, he did just that. My poor friend! He took it well though, but still why Alex christened Josh every time, I still don’t know.

            Babies are fun, poor Alyssa though, Daddy wasn’t much help! LOL!



              Kyrin wrote:

              *giggle, snort, laugh*

              That sums it perfectly! The gross stories you can get with little ones…

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Oh my goodness! I bet that was quite a mess to clean up! You have my sympathy with that mess…and my smile at your husband. 🙂

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  Poor baby. And poor mommy. Daddy need to be the one to change the diaper and bathe the baby if he thinks it’s so funny. 😀


                    It defied gravity because I had her pretty well propped up in my arms. So the poop had to flow upward to get out of the top of the diaper. And this is a onesie


                      I HAVE been there!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha!!!! Man, me and Chris started playing rock-paper-scissors for those diapers, loser had to change it. 😀 😆


                        purpledoggy wrote:

                        It defied gravity because I had her pretty well propped up in my arms. So the poop had to flow upward to get out of the top of the diaper. And this is a onesie

                        sometimes when it squished it has no where to go but up!! hahahaha


                          especially when it’s fart propelled…..


                            Thanks for the laugh…. 😉


                              frozendragon wrote:

                              especially when it’s fart propelled…..

                              Sometimes it’s amazing how one baby can hold so much! 😀


                                Kyrin wrote:

                                *giggle, snort, laugh*

                                Been there, done that! But oh your description is hilarious!
                                😆 Me too. I remember changing one of my son’s diapers and when I went to wipe him with a baby wipe liquid poop went everywhere – all over his bed (we opted not to get a changing table), my night gown, the floor. My husband heard me holler and took over that changing and putting him back to bed so I could get a shower.

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