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      I just got in to an accident on the freeway coming home from work.
      A driver had hydroplaned and was facing the gaurd rail, by the time we was in my headlight it was too late. He was across the lane and I almost missed him as I swerved to get in the next lane but I hit the back of his car wuth the front drivers side of my car. The entire side panel is toast and the door would not open right.
      The owner of the body shop says he knows the Mercury Insurance adjuster personally and will put a rush on getting him out to look at my car
      In 2006 I lose my garndma in 2007 I lose my mom and now in 2008 I might lose my car!!
      I just have the feeling the car will be a total and with my credit where it is I will not be able to qualify to get another car lona. I HATE riding my motorcycle in the rain!!

      BUT I had an EmPea mother dragon waiting at my door when I finaly got home!!



          Sorry to hear that, DM. But congrats on the new Windstone anyway.


            🙁 I’m sorry DM. But really, be glad you and the other driver were able to walk away from that! To me, there is NO worse sound on earth, than the sound of two cars hitting, metal on metal. *shudder*

            What went through your head when you saw the stalled car approaching quickly?? Did you kind of black out or did your brain kick into survival mode? When I had my accident (head on collision last summer) I remember seeing the other driver of the car, he was that close, and just kind of like thinking “OH (*&*%^@!!!” and I blacked out. The next thing I remember is the aftermath. So I’m curious…


              My brain was fully functional and I removed my foot from the gas pumped the brake like you are supposed to do when it’s raining and wet. I was actaully I guess looking past the car hoping ti was goign to clear his back side but it was so close that I clipped his back fender I guess it was with the front of my car I continued for about a 100 feet and had to turn around and drive back on my rim.
              I was astually very scared because the other guy was walking in front of his car as I was approaching him and I had teh horrible thought that I was going to hirt and kill him.
              I mean come on WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would walk in front of their stalled car on the freeway in the rain at night with cars coming at you at 65+ miles per hour??? NOT ME!!!


                No quicker way to learn how to drive than being upside down in a truck in -40 weather. This was 13 years ago, about one week after buying my first vehicle.


                  Sorry to hear about your accident DM. But glad you didn’t get hurt.

                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  No quicker way to learn how to drive than being upside down in a truck in -40 weather. This was 13 years ago, about one week after buying my first vehicle.



                  The important thing here is that you are okay. Cars can be replaced, you can’t.

                  *hug* It’ll be okay, with luck your insurance will repair it instead.



                    Kyrin wrote:

                    The important thing here is that you are okay. Cars can be replaced, you can’t.

                    *hug* It’ll be okay, with luck your insurance will repair it instead.


                    I second this. Thank goodness you both walked away from the accident!


                      I’m so glad that you weren’t on your motorcycle for the accident and came out unscathed! Hopefully the other driver is OK too and your car can be repaired.


                        Oh wow! I’m really glad you’re ok!!! 😯 That sort of thing can be terrifying! Glad you got your em pea momma though, that was a pleasant surprise. 🙂


                          I’m sorry to hear about the accident, but I hope you’re ok, at least physically. Just take it one day at a time and hopefully solutions will present themselves.

                          Take care DM.


                            So glad to hear that neither of you were hurt. Vehicles can be replaced, you can’t.


                            I’m sorry about the accident but I’m glad you are ok. And congrats on the new dragon! Maybe they will be able to fix your car and you won’t have to get another one. Will your insurance cover a rental?


                              I’m so sorry to hear you were in an accident! But like everyone else has said… at least you are okay! I hate driving in the rain… especially at night. It’s so hard to see with the headlights coming from the opposite direction. And there are patches of standing water… bleh. Kinda like morning actually.

                              I hope you can get your car fixed okay!

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