
For those who like to travel

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        For those of you that travel, you might want to look at this clip. (For your protection.)



          😯 😯 😯 YUUUURRRRRGGGGG!!!!!! 😯 😯 😯




          I knew about this. We had a big discussion about this on LJ a while ago.

          We definately clean the glasses throughly with dish soap and hot water when we visit a hotel now, or get plastic ones.

          We also conjecture it is the source of con-crud, a cold/flu that usually goes around a few days after everyone gets back home, now that we know they don’t clean those glasses properly, we should see a reduction of this in future.

          But yeah, gross.



            Ewwww! Makes me glad I don’t travel often and when I do most hotels I stay in have the single use plastic cups.


            😯 When I travel, I’ve usually got a water bottle or something along, and I drink out of that.


              Okay, that’s just disgusting . I usually manage to stay in the places with the wrapped plastic cups though, which I like… that way, it’s only my germs if I choose to re-use them (I think it’s wasteful to have them come in everyday and take all my towels, replace soap I’ve only used once, etc.)… or keeps it clean if I choose to take an unused one with me (they’re handy!).

              And you know… re: the part about the spray… if they hired people who can speak (and read) English, since it’s our national language after all :mad:, it may not be an issue. Or have the training staff be bilingual (and thorough), since that seems to be rather rare too. Not that all Americans are clean, by any means, but many of these countries (that many cleaners are from) have different standards of cleanliness….


                Yeah, you’d be surprised how common a practice that is….the hotels I worked it didn’t have dishwashers at all, the kitchen dishes are done the same way. Very disgusting. I’m Soooo glad I dont work there anymore, it really took the thrill out of staying at a hotel. But not near as bad as when the sheets arent changed, I really dont think the sheets get changed very often. Although most of the time you have no proof, my most common complaint as a night auditor was that the customer found blood or some other substances on their sheets. And you dont even wanna know about those rooms that come with a jacuzzi tub. *shudders* Eeeeeeeew 😯


                Ew thats gross, when i was going accross Canada i was on so many hotels for the night 😯

                Lucky for me i always clean my cups before i drink out of them anyway 😕


                  Gah!!!! Thanks for the heads up, BDW!

                  I haven’t see a real glass in a hotel room in a long time. We bring our own coffee percolator and mugs, but I will have to remember to pack them in our suitcase when we go out. I wouldn’t want them to “clean” them for me. Blech!!

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