Even though it says copyright windstone…

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    this is still on my wrong list, am I right? I stumbled on this looking for a new background…should I send it to John? or because it has the copyright is is okay?



    Oh wow! 😯 Good question. Maybe Nam can shed some light on this?


      I think as long as it has a copywrite for the correct place then it should be okay SINCE there is no money involved. IF there was money involved then I would say “Oh Heck NO!” That would be wrong.

      And it also depends on WHERE they got the image at… if they took the picture then okay, if they took it off of a site that states that you NEED to ask to use it, then that is a NO NO! Well it is in my book.

      Thats my 2 cents… 😉


      That’s true. They’re not trying to make a profit off of it. 😕


        That’s what I was thinking….they arent making any profit and they’ve got the copyright in there….but I’m still unsure. 😕


          Maybe this should be discused with John: john@windstoneeditions.com


            I think as long as they aren’t selling it, they are giving Windstone free advertising. I would say it’s okay in that regard.


              It is a misconception that because someone is not making a profit off of a image/work of art that it is okay to repost it. Unless they are using it in a way that is covered by the fair use or parody sections of copyright, they are technically breaking the law because anytime you repost something on the internet- because it is public- you are republishing the image without permission. This carries the same implied consequences as republishing a work in a book or magazine without permission. The internet is a publishing medium and even though it is electronic it is still a valid stage for copyrights.

              That said, many artists do not care if their work is reposted in a benign way– (“no harm, no foul”) though I think it’s fair to say that most prefer (and some insist) that you ask first or obtain permission. This may seem picky but the artists that do this are probably only trying to protect their rights. (For the record, I’m one of the artists that require that you ask first since unrestricted reposting of my work in the past has led to major copyright infringement and theft- long story)

              I do not know Windstone’s stance on this subject exactly so you would need to bring this up with John.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


                Ok, i see. 🙂


                Thanks, Nam.


                  Good to know.


                  I here ya Nam! But then technically, many of us here are using avatars in that way. Im using work from a local artist (Ive met and she is way cool). Knowing her, I dont think she’d care about the avatar thing. If I had a website, she’d be credited and a link provided to her site.

                  I would have said what Emerald said- it is kinda like free advertising. I mean, if I hadnt heard of Windstone before, and was a unicorn lover, Id have looked at that copyright and goggled “Windstone Editions.”

                  But Im not trying to negate what Nam says. She knows everything about this kind of stuff and I respect the facts she’s provided.


                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    I would have said what Emerald said- it is kinda like free advertising. I mean, if I hadnt heard of Windstone before, and was a unicorn lover, Id have looked at that copyright and goggled “Windstone Editions.”

                    Yes, exactly. But permission is always good too.


                      What if the person takes a photo of their sculpture that they bought? And of course puts the windstone copyright on it.

                      I can understand taking from other sites and making layouts that way but what if YOU took the picture yourself?

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