Hubby was in a fender bender

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      and I’m freaking out right now. I keep asking him how hard he was jared around in the accident but he keeps telling me he wasn’t. He was pulling into a McDonalds parking lot and had to cross 3 lanes of traffic. The first two lanes stopped for him because traffic was that bad but after he got into the parking lot a honda civic came up the third lane and just clipped his back bumper. I know he is at fault and I’m afraid to see what our insurance rates are going to be now. Neither of us have had an accident but you know how insurance companies are. I’m glad he is ok but I’m freaked out now and I told him I don’t want him driving.



          I’m glad he wasn’t hurt! As long as there was no bodily injury, your rates may not go up for just one offense, it depends on your state laws.


            Don’t freak; this can happen to anyone. He shouldn’t stop driving, otherwise, he may get a phobia about it.

            I’m glad he’s ok.

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              Well the BEST news is no one was hurt.I’m sure yoru insurance willnot go up too badly especially if it was only a fender bender. Is it OK for your husband to drive this soon??

              How did your shower go??


                He was cleared to drive a couple of weeks ago. The last time he was at clinic they told us his sternum was crushed during surgery which we didn’t know about so thats why I’m so freaked out about it. He keeps telling me he didn’t get jared around at all and I’m over reacting. He said I’m hormonal. Oh and the shower went off without a hitch and no drama. I was gonna make a thread about it but I’m all worked up about this accident right now 🙁


                  I’m sorry to hear about the accident. Thank goodness your husband is ok. Tell us about the shower when you are up to it.


                    lamortefille wrote:

                    I’m sorry to hear about the accident. Thank goodness your husband is ok. Tell us about the shower when you are up to it.

                    yes please let us know what you got


                      Im glad hubby was not hurt and that your shower went well. Try to calm down about the accident. Freaking never helps and you would not want to stress when you are still carrying the baby. 😉


                      I’m glad nothing happened to him, purpledoggy, and that the shower went well. Take it easy. 😉


                        Glad he’s OK, Purpledoggy and that the shower went well. Details when you can.


                          Hang in there! We’re here for you and hubby. Glad he’s okay (and yes, it’s okay to worry for him!)




                          Don’t overreact hon. He’s fine! He’s gonna have to drive sooner or later, trust me, you can’t be in labor and drive at the same time.

                          The more he drives now, the more used to it he’ll be, and the lower his chances of mistakes like this one.

                          Glad to hear the baby shower went well, I was wondering.

                          Anyway, take a few deep breaths and take it easy about the fender bender, no one got hurt, that is the important thing, and you had him checked out right? So he’s fine.




                            Most insurance companies will forgive one accident without raising your rates so I wouldn’t worry. The main thing is nobody was hurt.

                            Tell us about your shower and all the pretty gifts you received for the baby


                              darjeb wrote:

                              Most insurance companies will forgive one accident without raising your rates so I wouldn’t worry. The main thing is nobody was hurt.

                              Tell us about your shower and all the pretty gifts you received for the baby

                              Ditto, try to relax.

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