A while back, I was challenged to paint a zebra unicorn. I bought Romeodanny’s 2 PYOs with that very purpose. I wanted to do both and post them together; however, I won’t have time, seeing as I have a deadline to paint Christmas gifts.
So, here’s the unicorn Romeo had started, metallic white with purple undertone. I painted the stripes in metallic sequin black for a shiny fantasy zebracorn.
The other one I’ll do will have with non-metallics, “natural” colors.
This one was based on the mountain zebra, in particular for the rump pattern (it was so neat!) I took some liberties, of course, but I really like how she came out. FYI, the longer you stare at zebra pictures, the weirder their stripes look. 😀
She’s up for offers (sale or trade)!
without the flash (still shiny!)
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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