back ache from singing

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        we started rehearsals last night for our community christmas concert and oh my gosh! for such a small community we have some amazing talent! i’m only singing in the choir but man, even the conductors know what they’re doing! i haven’t been worked over vocally like that since we lived in california 17 years ago. my back and abs are sore from having to sing diaphramatically; could hardly roll out of bed this morning i was that stiff and sore. glad i’m not doing any solo work (i’m an adequate alto, nothing special, but i do have good tone) the astounding thing is that in a town that has barely 3,000 people we can put together a full orchestra and an adult choir that sings multiple divided parts; first & second soprano, alto, tenor, baritone and bass. and then there’s the children’s choir. it was like drowning in rich, golden sound. glorious!




          That’s sounds wonderful. Too bad I sound like a cat and chicken fighting in a burlap sack.


            i don’t believe that 😆 as long as you’re making ‘a joyful noise’ everyone sounds good!




              twindragonsmum wrote:

              i don’t believe that 😆 as long as you’re making ‘a joyful noise’ everyone sounds good!


              You are nice to say that, but I sound like Jasmine. 😆 It must be so nice to be able to sing.


                like i said, i’m an adequate alto 😀 i wasn’t blessed with a voice like my younger sisters; they both are glorious sopranos. one of them has a three octave range 😯 . i’m lucky to be able to hit c above middle c and that’s with lots of warming up!




                  I can’t carry a tune in a bag with handles!! Cat and chicken here too


                    Oh, how I envy you… I’d love to be part of a choir again. And being in a community like that sounds rather lovely. Around here, if you’re not in school, churches are the only places with choirs (not my thing & it’d be disrespectful to go just for that). My high school’s top choir was divided into 8 parts, I believe (everyone split in two, except Baritone & I think Tenor). I’m normally an Alto 2, but can sing Soprano 2 quite comfortably. I’m only an adequate singer too though. I’m awed by people with incredible voices….

                    I must disagree that everyone can sound good though :shock:. My 2 best friends from high school couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and the one [who enjoyed singing & thought she was good] made me wince uncontrollably every time she sang. 😐


                      oh man, but I think that every one can sing, just need practise, I on the other hand couldn’t sing in a choir for the life of me,

                      I have a nice voice, but not for a choir, that was proven when my choir had a concert, and as we were about to get to the stage the vocal instructor asked me to mime, cause my voice didn’t fit with the others, I can sing! really just check my myspace site, the topic is:
                      yay finally 🙂
                      there you can find my link


                      I was a good soprano, now my lungs are just awful. I can’t sing without coughing. 😕

                      I envy anyone who can sing without problems.


                        Maebnus3 wrote:

                        Oh, how I envy you… I’d love to be part of a choir again. And being in a community like that sounds rather lovely. Around here, if you’re not in school, churches are the only places with choirs (not my thing & it’d be disrespectful to go just for that). My high school’s top choir was divided into 8 parts, I believe (everyone split in two, except Baritone & I think Tenor). I’m normally an Alto 2, but can sing Soprano 2 quite comfortably. I’m only an adequate singer too though. I’m awed by people with incredible voices….

                        I must disagree that everyone can sound good though :shock:. My 2 best friends from high school couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and the one [who enjoyed singing & thought she was good] made me wince uncontrollably every time she sang. 😐

                        we are so lucky here! we’ve got voices from all the different church congregations/denominations, from the high school, middle school, elementary school and anyone in the community who just wants to sing or who can play an instrument. our family has been here just about a year, but we’ve learned that this community has turned out quite a few fabulous voices including one belonging to a Hans Gregory Ashbaker who left Idaho and lives in Germany where apparently he is a world renowned opera star having been mentored by Pavoratti and Leonard Bernstein. He also conducts an award winning children’s choir. they are very proud of him here!




                        That sounds like great fun, twindragonsmum. I love singing too, though I’ve never heard of it making anything but your throat sore.
                        I sing alto and soprano, but usually the latter because I can get pretty darn high… (On the musical scale, that is.)


                          twindragonsmum wrote:

                          my back and abs are sore from having to sing diaphramatically; could hardly roll out of bed this morning i was that stiff and sore.

                          I was the same. And the longer I had gone without singing, or without lessons, the worse it was. I swear it is just like an athlete during the off season. Letting yourself go and then having to work twice as hard, or harder!, to get back in shape.

                          I’m a mezzo and my idol was Marilyn Horne.


                            laphon1 wrote:

                            twindragonsmum wrote:

                            my back and abs are sore from having to sing diaphramatically; could hardly roll out of bed this morning i was that stiff and sore.

                            I was the same. And the longer I had gone without singing, or without lessons, the worse it was. I swear it is just like an athlete during the off season. Letting yourself go and then having to work twice as hard, or harder!, to get back in shape.

                            I’m a mezzo and my idol was Marilyn Horne.

                            i’ve not sung seriously since before my twins were born and they’ll be twelve next month. my idol? Sally Ann Howes, especially her rendition of “Send in the Clowns” hear it here: gorgeous!



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