Problem with shipping calculator for a Windstone

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    Im selling my Male White Pegasus on eBay right now. He is packed in the form fitting cardboard and in that box. Then his outer box is 14x14x14 and the inner box he is in, is surrounded by peanuts inside it. Overall the box comes to about 6.75 to 7 pounds.

    I went to the shipping calculator online and it is telling me that a box this size (since it is double boxed) and weight is about $30.50 USPS Priority and for Parcel is $12.88. As for Canada, it is telling me it exceeds the weight limit to send to CAN?!?! 😯 Huh? What happens when a Canadian collector buys a Griffin from the factory?! Surely they are heavier than the total of 7 lbs my box comes to. Mind you I dont have as local UPS around me anymore now that I live more in the stix.

    Anyone have any ideas cause the shipping price will seem daunting to ppl and likely draw them off my auction. If you need to figure it out and play, my zip is 32162 in the USA.

    Thank you!


      I dunno… I just sent someone two PYOs USPS, and the box weighed around 7lbs. Parcel cost me $14, if I had wanted to do Priority it would have cost over $30, so those costs it’s quoting you are about right. It’s mighty pricey to ship things right now. Those prices were NOT including any extra services such as delivery confirmation or insurance. 🙁

      I ship a lot from home since I work from home (not only on Windstones 🙂 ) and they offer a small discount when you do your own postage. Even still- I’m sending off something that weighs less than a pound tomorrow and it’s costing me $9.25 Priority with insurance.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        If possible, I would try to take the shipping calculator off of the auction. The calc. shows $21.55 for me (NJ) vs. the $32.55 posted in your auction. You are counting on people reading through the whole description and I wouldn’t take that chance. Personally, I base my max bid taking into consideration the shipping costs. The extra $11 wouldn’t kill me, but it wouldn’t make me happy either. Just some food for thought…


        USPS is outrageous for larger parcels going priority. If at all possible it is more feasible to use UPS for larger packages. Smaller packages cost less usually going USPS. Atleast that is what I have noticed from my own spending habits. 😆


          You can send heavier and larger to Canada, but you can only use Priority Mail International. There is no parcel post for international anymore unless it is under one pound in weight.


          OK, so Nam, Im not nuts and didnt do it wrong… or the calculator wasnt wrong then. Technically this piece is overly packed in that it has its form fitting insert that goes into a Windstone box I got my black pegasus in, so it fits perfectly. However, since most ask for double boxing I didnt know if theyd accept just that (tho thats how Windstone sends them). So, that box is put into a slightly larger box with further peanuts. Who knows if it would make much more of a difference in cost.

          I tend to want to leave the shipping calculator up there because like you did LAM, it shows a different price for you than it does for my quote. What I should do is take out that the cost *I* list supercedes what eBay plugs in. I do cover my tail though by saying if anyone happens to over pay on shipping, I would 100% refund it. And honestly, ppl should look at what their packages cost to send that they are receiving and see if that is in fact what they paid in auction. I dont know how many get away with charging more and still getting +FB. If youre going to charge ppl for supplies and handling, simply say that is what is included in the shipping costs. Worded properly, it doesnt sound bad at all. I simply dont like being charged $10 USPS Priority for something that arrives as $5.76 for shipping. Where did my other $4+ go? (rhetorical)

          Anyway, I just dont remember things being so much to send. Then again, I dont often send large items in the mail. If it were me bidding on my own auction, Id choose parcel post… I would rather wait a few more days and save that money.

          Thanks for the advice all… Im going to alter the description and take out that what I say it costs supercedes what ebay plugs in. And yea, the description is long but is done so for 2 reasons. One- Windstones deserve to be trumpted and understood by lookers that they are valuable pieces. And two, Ive been burned enough by eBay that I have to spell every little thing out or the buyer claims they didnt understand something (or seller, etc). For me, if Im truly interested in a piece, I take the time to read the auction listing. Personally, Im gun shy for ppl who list as:
          Windstone Edition Pegasus white
          Excellent condition
          Original box

          …. and thats it. But Ive worked in advertising for years and am use to having to write longer descriptions. Again, if someone is serious, they will read. And you guys know, I dont write in brief! Im likely the cause of most of your eye problems lately (from reading all my cr*p)!


            Don’t get me wrong, PT. I’m not saying your listing is too long or that you should leave things out. You’re better off stating as much as possible. I’m just saying that people are lazy and don’t read. I deal it with 50 times a week at work. Customer indignantly: How am I supposed to know that?!? Me(in my head): It’s right there on that BIG RED sticker! 😆

            Anyway, best of luck with your auction. 😀


            Oh Lam, I know you werent insinuating anything. I was just saying that I recognize myself that my auction details are long but in the case of Windstones (or any auction that has a reserve on it or starts at a certain open bid), I tend to sit up more straight and pay attention and understand it isnt something plastic or trivial, etc. I know what YOU meant so no worries.

            I went back and edited some things in there and added CAN to my shipping list. I also just PMed BlackDesertWind asking for permission to use her white male pegasus photo she lent for Ravnheart’s Windstone database. I have room for one more photo in that auction and her photo shows the details of the piece that my photos couldnt capture due to flash. Ive no idea where my tripod is so I cant shoot in lower light to capture the details she did.

            I would of course, state in the auction that her photo is for reference so they could see details of the piece (and reiterate that mine is in rather excellent form), and not the exact piece they would be bidding on or receiving. Of course I would also make sure there was a visible copyright on the photo giving BDW credit for it as well. It’s an incredible photo. Hopefully she is around and will get back to me so I can add the photo.

            BUT- if she is reading, like I said, do not misunderstand me- there is NO pressure so if you dont want to do it, dont worry!


              When I auctioned a couple of things a few weeks ago, teh sales listing page wouldn’t even allow me to add a shipping calculator, no matter how I tried. I used to have it in my listings. I have some more things to auction, but I’m not going to sell there anymore if I can’t even get the ‘should-be’ of the calculator. People lately have been too difficult to deal with. (I’ll admit to being a computer nincompoop, but I was able to add a calculator earlier in the summer…)


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              I tend to want to leave the shipping calculator up there

              I just checked it myself. The eBay quote for Parcel Post is dead on, but the quote for Priority is way off. From you to me, a 7lb package should cost $14.35 by Priority. But the eBay quote is $24.65.

              The Canada quote is dead on too, at $23.80.

              I’ve checked a couple of other auctions and they seem to be working OK, so I’m wondering if somehow a stray “handling fee” got tagged onto your Priority quote. Not having sold anything through eBay I don’t know how one enters the required information; whether it is even possible to specify different handling charges for different classes of shipping.


              The Castle [Dave wrote:


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              I tend to want to leave the shipping calculator up there

              I just checked it myself. The eBay quote for Parcel Post is dead on, but the quote for Priority is way off. From you to me, a 7lb package should cost $14.35 by Priority. But the eBay quote is $24.65.

              The Canada quote is dead on too, at $23.80.

              I’ve checked a couple of other auctions and they seem to be working OK, so I’m wondering if somehow a stray “handling fee” got tagged onto your Priority quote. Not having sold anything through eBay I don’t know how one enters the required information; whether it is even possible to specify different handling charges for different classes of shipping.
              Thank you for checking and for that info and help. I dont know how to add on any shipping fees but I know in order to do so, you have to go into several links and do it purposefully. I didnt. However, I’ll go into my auction (tho it has a bid) and see if there is any problems.

              If the parcel post and the Canadian post quotes were dead on, then perhaps a shipping extra fee wasnt added for wouldnt it have shown up on those quotes as well?

              I did cover my butt in the auction though and made sure to say that if anyone happened to overpay in their shipping and I found this out when I brought it to the post office, Id promptly refund that balance. Im not one to try to make some extra bucks on shipping. Granted, it would be nice to have the few bucks for the boxes and shipping supplies, but for me as a seller, I cant bring myself to do that. Shipping rates alone are too high as is.

              But thanks for checking into it for me Dave. I truly do appreciate it greatly!


              PhoenixTears wrote:

              If the parcel post and the Canadian post quotes were dead on, then perhaps a shipping extra fee wasnt added for wouldnt it have shown up on those quotes as well?

              That’s what I would expect. I think ebay just messed up.

              On another possibly relevant note… It was mentioned earlier that shipping Internationally using USPS has two different rates. Take it to the Post Office and it’s one price; go online to print out the forms and it’s 5% cheaper. But on-line you can’t insure for more than the (weight related) automatic indemnity.

              Also, if printing labels out at home for a domestic shipment and then dropping off the parcel at the Post Office, you should make sure that they scan the package into the system right in front of you. Normally they won’t, and if a package gets lost before it gets delivered (which would be the only time it does get scanned) you can have a heck of a time trying to prove you ever sent it, even though you have what you thought was a confirmation number.

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