Brown Griffin Chicks are in the store

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        Limited Production Brown Griffin Chicks are now available from our store to match the old retired brown Male Griffins (and to match the limited production brown Female Griffins). The chicks are meant to match both the plain winged and the stripy winged versions of the brown griffins. Melody says they match both races “because they have dinky little wings that don’t show much stripes” (the stripes must appear in their adult plumage).


          They look adorable! I must tell you that the pictures are not the best, though. 🙂


          Folks who planned to get the brown chicks will buy them anyway. They’ll look all the better when they arrive.


          skigod377 wrote:

          I must tell you that the pictures are not the best, though. 🙂

          I agree. I think it would helpful to post better pictures of the pieces.

          I’ve been waiting a long time for the chicks, but I haven’t bought them yet because I’d really like to see a better picture first, partly because I’d like to know how well the color matches my brown/tan male griffin. So right now I’m hoping that someone who has decided to buy one will post pictures soon…



            I must tell you that the pictures are not the best, though

            We know. 🙁 Can all of you please tell Melody & John to leave a good camera here at the factory when they go out of town? It would make it a LOT easier!

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