
Now Only 1 Brown OW Left

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        I was going to wait until next month, but since I am not going to win the green coiled momma on Ebay, I checked the OW’s. I have the White, but noticed only 6 left.

        So I got him and the Gold Fledgie. If anyone else wants a Brown OW they probably need to get him soon. Is Melody going to make more of these?


        I already bought one. I also bought a brown lap at the same time.


        CRAP! I love the browns, and OW is my favorite sculpt! I’m broke now though. Is she gonna make more?????


          I seriously didn’t want to buy one of these guys right now but I will kick myself if I miss out on one. /sigh my poor credit card.


            Well, 3 left now. Thanks for the heads up. I was waiting to catch up on bills before buying him, but that was when it was at 11 and holding. *sigh* I’m with ya, purpledoggy. My cc’s screaming.


              Ooooh, these guys are so pretty!!! If you want one, don’t miss out on these – seriously! Mine is one of my most treasured Windstones…I kind of wish I had the money to buy another LOL like I really need two…

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                I still need to pick up a white ow so I hope and pray they don’t sell out soon. I had hoped the store by me was going to start stocking windstones like they keep telling me so I was gonna try and pick one of those guys up since I refered the store. If only I could work some overtime at work. 😥


                  I can’t believe that many sold since Monday! That’s the last day I checked to see how many were left, and there were 6 I think. Now only 1?!!! All of a sudden there is a buying frenzy on the brown OWs? I really should have picked one up when I had the chance instead of buying a gold Emperor. But I didn’t think I had anything to worry about with them being $300.00 a pop. I want that last one, but I’m with so many of you other guys in that my cc is crying for help! I shouldn’t have even bought that curlie today!


                    Pink Curlie?? You wanna sell it??
                    Like I have extra money right now


                    Ack! I sure hope they do more, as I really really want that Brown OW, but can’t afford him just now.

                    I’m gonna cry big time if I can’t get one at all.



                      Okay, the last brown OW is gone now. Whaaaaaa!!! 😥

                      Well, at least there are a bunch of the white ones left.


                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        Pink Curlie?? You wanna sell it??
                        Like I have extra money right now

                        Melody is going to make more DM! Just let Susie know you want one. 🙂 I wonder if Melody will try to experiment with different shades in the next batch like she did with the VF curlies?


                          annnnnnnnnnd the last one is gone! sheesh what a frenzy! 😯 i’m sure they will be laughing at the factory tomorrow, filling all these orders for brown old warriors! man, i wanted one too, so badly! i just couldn’t swing the money til the weekend! too late! 🙁 300 bucks isn’t chump change, that 300 bucks! that could be alot of bills paid.. i do hope they make a few more, but i don’t expect it.
                          in general i am VERY curious to see what of the out of stock pieces are going to be replenished and the others retired…..there are alot of out of stocks…


                            travistie wrote:

                            Dragon Master wrote:

                            Pink Curlie?? You wanna sell it??
                            Like I have extra money right now

                            Melody is going to make more DM! Just let Susie know you want one. 🙂 I wonder if Melody will try to experiment with different shades in the next batch like she did with the VF curlies?

                            I hope not I want one of each one issued even the variations

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