
casualties of shipping alas

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    I got this guy in the mail a couple of months ago and just finally unpacked him, I knew he was broken before I got him unwrapped so I stopped.



      Oh, ouch…

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      I had started to piece him together before I took thos pics, and here are a few of what I have done so far:

      Now to get some tweezers and continue on.


      Did he arrive as a repair job, or did you order him new?


        I’m sorry ruffian, it looks like you have a good start on repairing it though 😀


        No he was not new, as they have not made this color for some time, but he was in one piece, with an extra globe glued on.


        I hate seeing the older figures ship like that. I got that very figure just a little while ago, and he arrived in even worse shape. The shipper did a great job of wrapping him in bubble wrap, but then just popped it into a box barely bigger than the wizard wand didnt add any packing peanuts. I sen’t it to kyrin to fix and she did a fantastic job on it. Good luck with yours. Hope it works out.


          Oh man… I hate to look at him. That’s a real shame. Good luck fixing him.


          Oh no, the poor guy. You’re doing a great job at repairing him though! Good luck with all the little pieces!


          I’d skip the little pieces, and just get some Apoxie sculpt and use that to fill in. It’s a lot easier and it will help strengthen the breaks. Then all you will need to do is paint match, I will tell you true, the red color on this one is a bear to match.



            You’re doing well repairing him. But why do only unpack something months afetr it reaches you?


            No I started to unpack him when he came in and felt the breaks so I jsut stopped until I had time to go through the box and find the pieces.

            I need to get epoxie sculpt, cant find any in canada, I asked Melody for paint to match, I think I am done for mow until I can get some epoxie sculpt.


            ruffian wrote:

            No I started to unpack him when he came in and felt the breaks so I jsut stopped until I had time to go through the box and find the pieces.

            I need to get epoxie sculpt, cant find any in canada, I asked Melody for paint to match, I think I am done for mow until I can get some epoxie sculpt.

            I don’t think you can get it from a store….

            Here’s the website:

            You shouldn’t need more than the 1/4 lb size, and I recommend the regular white.

            I bought the 1 lb size several months ago, and despite the 20+ Windstones I have repaired since, I still have about 3/4 lb left. So considering you “hopefully” won’t need to fix things too often, the smaller amount will do you.

            Surprisingly a little goes a long way. When I mix it, I usually end up with some left over, which is a bummer, but I’ve been making the leftovers into marbles, my son thinks they are great.



              I bought the same thing once. It arrived broken. I shipped it off to have it repaired. It came back broken. What a waste of money. These things are too fragile sometimes. Im sorry about your baby. How tragic.

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