
Gone on weekends for a while

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        The MN Renaissance Festival has started, so I will be gone on weekends, and I’ll be without computer access. I will return emails and PMs on Sunday or Monday after I get back.


        Oh that sounds like so much fun. Next year I need to take a month long trip. 😀


          I hope you have fun! I have only been to one, but it was a blast!


          After going to a ren fair with Nirvana and Louis, I envy you. Fairs are so fun. Have a great time!


            I’m back for the week, but I have a lot to do. I have to write my syllabus and assignments for classes starting next week. And I have to do laundry, especially costumes. We forgot so much stuff this last time, that I’m going to need to make a list. 😆


            Welcome back. Isn’t that the truth? You go away for a little bit and then you have more stuff to do. Why can’t we push a button so everything takes care of itself while we are away. 😆


              Yeah. I need an “Easy” button like they have on the Staples commercials. 😆


              We should invent one. 😉

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