I got a job, but it’s only temporary. I’m teaching English as an adjunct at the universary that I just graduated from. I will have my own office (or maybe shared), and I can choose my own books.
I have to have my book order in by the end of the week, so I’ve been looking through all the sample books I got from publishers last spring.
Then I have to go through them and make up lesson plans before September 5th.
Not only that, but next week my husband and I are going to GenCon in Indiana for a week to sell his Elevation Indicators (see my website for more information) and Windstones. I have a huge stack of boxes in the garage, and we are trying like crazy to produce thousands of pieces of his item by the end of the week.
And we are working at Ren Fest again this year, which starts the weekend we will be in IN (so we’ll miss that one).
I can’t believe how busy I am again suddenly! If I’m not on much, that’s why. But I check and respond to PM’s every day and my email too. So if you need me, you can still reach me, but I may not read a lot of threads.