
Look who showed up in our yard

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      Well, now that the ducks are gone, we have… a budgy! Our guess is that it escaped from someone’s house. No one came around asking, though… We tried (but not very hard) to catch it, but we sucked. It yaked away all day, hidden in the neighbour’s maple tree.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Goodness!! I wonder how long it’s been on it’s own? I wouldn’t think winter would agree with it. 😕


            When the weather gets cold he will die. I had a budgie that looked just like that one. I used to take him and his mate outside in a small cage to get some fresh air until I dropped it one day. I found the male a week later at the store down the street. He was eating the flowers on display outside. I tried to catch him but he bit me and ended up getting out from between my hands. I never saw him again. A few years ago I found a cockatel (can’t spell) in my yard. I was able to catch it and after not being able to find the owners I decided to keep it. That had to have been the coolest bird I ever owned but for some reason it HATED my husband. I would let it out of the cage and it would fly right to my shoulder and stay there. When my husband would come near me it would scream and fly around the house attacking him. He made me give it to a friend that had other birds.


              I hope you find it’s owner soon


                Your best bet would be to try and catch him. I’m not sure how good you are at catching birds or how tame that bird is.


                  Cute little boy! If you can catch him, that’d be great- or even lure him into the house so you can catch him. You can get some millet spray really inexpensively from a local pet shop, I bet he’ll see that and light right up. His chances outside are grim. Predators such as hawks are attracted to the color and prey on parrots frequently. Cats are a big danger too. Not to mention disease and other problems. He was someone’s pet that probably got loose.

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                  Im seconding everything that Nam has just said in lieu of being redundant!

                  I hope you catch him. He must be someone’s pet which is frustrating to hear that someone isnt crazily actively pursuing their lost sweetie. I guess Im just a little bit nuts when it comes to my pets.. I know I go off the deep end when it comes to anything about them.

                  That 2nd photo of him next to the morning dove is so precious! They look like old mates!

                  Good luck both catching him, and either keeping him; getting him to someone who wants him or, finding an owner that is severely remorseful and thankful.


                    Can you get a big blanket and toss it over him? He is a cute bird and I would hate for something to happen to the poor guy.


                    Oh the poor bird. Maybe try a butterfly net? Just be careful when untangeling. A towel should work. That’s how I caught a finch that my cats chased into my appartment.


                      Cute bird! I hope you can nab him and give him a good home.


                        We tried the towel thing. My husband was a split second to late. Now the bird flies away as soon as it sees us. We vexed it, methinks. But yeah, we’d like to try to catch it before winter. I don’t think it’ll follow the grackles south. My guess is that it’s been out there for a while now, unless it was a brand new pet and wasn’t used to people that much. If we do catch it, I’ll let you know!

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          Good luck catching him. I have aviaries of parakeets and I noticed a loose one hanging on my wire one day. It isn’t one of mine and I have not been able to catch it yet but it waits on the fence every morning for me to put food and water out for it. 😀


                          I love the colors and I hope you can catch it.


                            This is a baby keet I just caught this morning! He is so cute. They come to my aviary all the time. This guy is weak and hungry, but I’ll feed him up.
                            Don’t parakeets smell neat? I was noticing it while I was holding him.

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