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    So I’m back from the UK and I was unpacking my suitcase in my room, where I keep my Windstones. Most of them I have on a bookshelf/desk combo where the larger Windstones sit on the desk and other smaller collectables sit on the bookshelf above them. One of these collectables was a silly little plastic plate with a Siamese cat that someone gave me as a birthday present in grade 4 and I’m sentimental and kept it despite its tackiness LOL

    Now I wish I’d gotten rid of it long ago! You see, I heard a weird noise coming from the shelf and turned just in time to watch the 5 inch plastic plate ROLL off the shelf and smack one of my Windstones right in the head!!!!! I believe I yelled “HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!” at the top of my lungs!!

    It was my beloved “Sunrise” POY gryphon who was the casualty. I couldn’t bring myself to photograph the damage but basically the plate sheered off one side of his face including an eye, and luckily it seems it only broke off in four pieces – two large and two wee tiny ones that I actually found on the floor.

    Now my question is – what is the best method for glueing back togther broken Windstones? Is there a officially-encouraged brand of glue and where might I buy this glue? Any thoughts or advice would be very much appreciated since I am determined to fix my Sunrise gryphon and I think the pieces will fit together without much visible damage. I could always paint another POY but this was one of the softfeathered gryphons and I’m (again) sentimental about it because it was my first POY heh heh ^_^



      Elmers white glue has been recommended by the creator herself. I use superglue, but only for large peices. I am sorry about your griffin πŸ™ And your plate. Welcome back though!!


      skigod377 wrote:

      Elmers white glue has been recommended by the creator herself. I use superglue, but only for large peices. I am sorry about your griffin πŸ™ And your plate. Welcome back though!!

      Elmer’s glue, nice! Affordable, I like that πŸ™‚ I know I bought some a while back, now to remember where I put it lol

      Thanks! πŸ˜€ Good to be back.


      I was also going to suggest elmer’s glue. And welcome back.


        Welcome back, sunhawk. I’m really sorry to hear about Sunrise….I hope you can fix it up good as new…stupid plate! : -/


          Sorry about your Gryphon, Sunhawk. As other mentioned, Elmers is great. Just don’t give him any baths after repairing him with it because the glue isn’t waterproof and might cause his pieces to come apart.


          Ah, good point Lokie.


            Welcome back, sunhawk. Sorry about your griffin. πŸ™


            dragonessjade wrote:

            I was also going to suggest elmer’s glue. And welcome back.

            thanks! πŸ˜€


            lamortefille wrote:

            Welcome back, sunhawk. I’m really sorry to hear about Sunrise….I hope you can fix it up good as new…stupid plate! : -/

            What are the odds, eh?? Thanks! πŸ˜€


            Lokie wrote:

            Sorry about your Gryphon, Sunhawk. As other mentioned, Elmers is great. Just don’t give him any baths after repairing him with it because the glue isn’t waterproof and might cause his pieces to come apart.

            I will keep that in mind, thank you!

            …do you guys give your Windstones regular baths??


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Welcome back, sunhawk. Sorry about your griffin. πŸ™

            Thanks deary ^_^


              Welcome back and sorry about the griffin! πŸ™

              There is also a type of glue called “Weldbond” that’s availible at harware stores. it’s a type of white glue. like elmers, and when it’s dried is supposed to be waterproof. I used it on a large concrete paver earier this year and it’s worked. Just a though 8)


                sunhawk wrote:

                …do you guys give your Windstones regular baths??

                πŸ˜† I was wondering that, too! I only dust mine. The only time they may see a faucet is when I am doing a PYO πŸ˜†

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