
My 1st Muse… be gentle :o Update better pix

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    I’VE EDITED THE PHOTOS SO THAT THEY ARE IN FOCUS AND SHOW UP BETTER. AND NOW THE MUSE HAS HER GLOSS SEALANT ON TOO. If I ever attach the pearl to hang by the chain from her beak hole and add the gemstones to her body holes, I’ll update the photos again.

    Normally Id not be posting my own PYOs because Im sooo not confident in them. But with the muse which Ive painted for my mom in colors she likes (and blonde hair like me, her only child), it’s such a parade of textures that even when you go wrong, it’s hard to tell. Camera focusing is a different story so pardon that misstep. It looked good in person and in the LCD but my eyes must have been off. But you can pretty much get the idea of it.

    My favourite part was doing the wings and my hardest part which is easy to see how I mucked it up, were the scales. ANYONE with hints on how to better blend on softer textures with brushes (not airbrush) such as scales and uni/griff furs, please let me know. Thats my biggest obstacle. But you know moms… they tend to love anything from their kids. And being that mom will see some symbolism in this from me (that you guys wouldnt see), will touch her even more. I’ll do my next muse in my favorite colours but I have a Griffin here that’s been sniping at me to get done!

    These pix dont show the gloss sealant thats been put on now. Plus, these pix still have eye masking fluid in them. She is lavender and green eyed (purple is my fave color and green is mom’s). Im putting a couple of jewels in the little holes provided (muse owners know what Im talking about as their not readily seen).

    Be gentle in your critique. I dont profess to have any artistic talent in this area and due to Parkinson’s, my motor function and dexterity has declined severely. I may never share another PYO due to my lack of confidence but I trust the Muses for some ko0ky reason! Enjoy! I hope!!!



      Aww I like it. I think you did a good job blending from blue to red on the scales.


        I think you did a very good job paiting the Muse. Especially the feathers… and I love the blending of the red and blue on her right side. I like it! πŸ˜€

        I haven’t even done a PYO yet. I just ordered my first, a griffin, and will hopefully start on it next week. I’m trying to finsh up another project first, so I can focus all my attention on the griffin when it comes time. It should be interesting.


          well would you look at that! what a cute little thing! I really love how the smooth scales look like strawberries and bluwbwerries.


            I like it. I think you did a good job!


            KoishiiKitty wrote:

            well would you look at that! what a cute little thing! I really love how the smooth scales look like strawberries and bluwbwerries.

            You got that, huh?! Thats one of the symbols I said you guys might not pick up on; that only my mom would understand. She LOVES her lots of blueberries & strawberries. Growing up, those fruits were always on hand in the house and even now, her house is chalker block full of fruit- but those 2 in particular! Shes my little berry bushka alright!

            You guys have been so nice with your comments. I really appreciate it. Normally my confidence is hard as nails but I guess with all thats going on, I tend to be more sensitive these days. Thanks for soothing my ego!

            I want my scales to look as smooth and seamless as that rainbow black PYO Kirin on eBay right now. That is some seriously smooth blending… you better tell me that was airbrush and not hand brushed (I dont remember the description details)! But thats how smooth I am hoping my scales or uni/griff/kirin fur will be able to get.

            I tried contacting a dapple grey unicorn artist here but Im sure shes busy and isnt able to get back to me. I dont have plans to do a dapple but I would like to know how that look was achieved. Any of you that have neat blending or pattern making techniques up there sleeves, please PM me! Trust me, Im no competition for you. I’ll be doing most of my PYOs for family so they can have something very personal that I worked on to remember me by (not that they would forget me… but you know what I mean)!

            Thanks again for your sweet comments guys!
            XOXO <3


            Oh she’s cute. Your Mom is going to love her. I think you did an excellent job of blending. Much better than my attempts.


            Romeodanny wrote:

            Oh she’s cute. Your Mom is going to love her. I think you did an excellent job of blending. Much better than my attempts.

            Youre sweet. But it’s all done with tricks and mirrors! πŸ˜† in person my blending truly does bite!


              Aww, she’s beautiful! You did an awesome job with all the textures! I don’t think you need any help with painting at all, hon!

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien


                I think you did a great job! Looks good, even for a muse πŸ˜‰ Drag0n has some good tips in this thread: http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1449


                I love the blending of his scales, the red going into blue. Great stuff, keep at it πŸ˜€


                  Ditto what they said – the blending looks great, and I like all the hidden symbolism. Nice work!


                    She looks great….I love her. I’m sure you mom will appreciate her alot. All the colors look great.
                    You did a wonderful job!



                      KoishiiKitty wrote:

                      well would you look at that! what a cute little thing! I really love how the smooth scales look like strawberries and bluwbwerries.

                      My thoughts too! πŸ˜€ I like the soft purple and minty green on the other side too!

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