Millenium store in Canada

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      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        This was mentioned in the “you can help the Windstone dealers’ page” thread:

        pixiekissed wrote:

        Metrotown mall in Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada has a store called “Millenium” they advertise on the mall website that they carry Windstones. I was there last about a year ago and they had a selection of discontinued Windstones (white Dragons, hatching kinglets in emerald and peacock) Im not sure what they have in stock now but they used to have a ton of Windstones I bought my first few pieces there.

        tel. 604-451-7500
        fax 780-483-1586

        Just called these guys today, and they have dragons in gold, ruby, black gold and a few in peacock. The man I spoke with didn’t know the names of the poses, but it sounds like they have (in peacock) the male, female, hatching, emperor and one of the royal hatchers….I THINK he was describing the hatching empress. They were a tad expensive, though…the hatching empress (if that’s what it is) was over $100 and the emp was over $400.
        Just thought I’d mention in case anyone is interested.

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          Is that in US or Can. Dollars?


          So they didn’t have any white or emerald dragons?


          laphon1 wrote:

          Is that in US or Can. Dollars?

          I would believe that it is CDN since the store is in Canada. But, the CDN dollar is so high that most stores would concider the US dollar on par with the CDN…. (I know the store I work at the exchange rate went down yesterday from 1.05 to 1.03. I’d hate to see what it is at a bank…)


            0_0 Gosh, I didn’t think to ask…but the store is in Canada, and I didn’t specify that I was in the US, so I would assume it’s Canadian dollars…

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              dragonessjade wrote:

              So they didn’t have any white or emerald dragons?

              If they did, they neglected to mention it! I asked what they had, and those were the only colors he told me.

              "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
              -J R R Tolkien

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