I’ve had a male and female Ki-Rin for several years, and have been searching for the same several years for a baby to complete the family. The original pair was purchased at Medieval Times in Shaumburg, IL, but they had no baby.
Does anyone have a baby they’d be willing to part with?
First welcome! Second, sorry I just sold one a few weeks ago. Safyre was selling three but, it looks like they are sold now. Keep an eye out, I find that the baby is the easiest, and cheapest to find. 🙂
Keep an eye out, I find that the baby is the easiest, and cheapest to find. 🙂
I welcome you also! And I have to second what Romeo has said here. Some things stick in my head such as when I hear someone is looking for something and when I see it anywhere, I contact that member. You can expect that if I run across a baby Ki-rin anywhere (watch and search eBay auctions and stores, btw), I’ll contact you! Good luck in your search!
Regarding the baby ki-rin: apparently there’s one up on eBay-UK. Aldana spotted him–they have him down as a “Windstone baby dragon”. Her post with the link is in General Windstone. (I don’t know how to post a link to the thread yet, but it’s titled “A Baby dragon?”.)