If you are using Internet Explorer:
-Consider changing your browser to Firefox or some other browser other than Internet Explorer. IF you stay with internet explorer though…
-Right click on the image. A box should pop up.
-Click on “Properties”
-There should be an “Address(URL” Area that has a long string of letters, like a web address. It will end in .jpg.
-Highlight this and either press Control+C to copy it, or right click it and then click on ‘copy’
-Proceed to step #2
If you are using Firefox or similar:
– Right click on the image.
– Click ‘copy image location’
– Go to step #2
Step #2:
when you are making a post and want to show an image, click the |Img| button you see at the top, above where you type. Press Control+V or right click and select “Paste”. Now click the |Img| button again. Congrats, you’ve posted an image!
Please remember, to help everyone’s internet connections and screen resolutions, try not to post images that are larger than 800 or 900 pixels horizontal (if you right click an image and then click on ‘properties’ you can find out how big it is!!).
Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.com