So my second PYO Dragon 🙂
He’s a gift to a friend of mine. His handle has always been “Red Dragon”, so I told him I would paint a little dragon sculpture for him if he’d like. He asked for a purple jewel and blue eyes. As much as I never wanted to buy blue eyes for a PYO (I’m not fond of the blue eyes at all) that’s what he originally wanted (even though he said gray eyes were fine too).
I dubbed him Ryno, for another reason xD I don’t know, I like him. I like the dragons because I can just merge the colors and not really worry too badly about keeping certain colors here or there.
Iridescent paint, red interference, and purple interference for his “eye liner/shadow” (that’s like, a trademark of mine or something xD Purple eyeshadow/liner. Been on all my PYOs so far).
He’s dark, like the first picture.
He does have a chip on his one wing. I had just put his first coat of paint on when my mom came bursting through the door yelling like an axe murderer was after her, scaring me like none-other and making me drop him on the garage concrete .___. Thankfully, it’s not terrible or huge. But it is there… All to say a friend had come over x___x
So the person who now owns this dragon, as I said has one of those uber $1500+ cameras and he took some photos of the dragon for me 😀 Here two of them!