
Credits for Pirates of the Caribbean

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    If you go to see Pirates stay for ALL the long credits. Think X-Men III. Trust me – you will thank me.



      Thanks, ddvm. We’re going to watch it on Monday. 😀


        They’re doing that with more and more movies now, especially comedies. It’s fun!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        note to self…do not drink a lot during the movie… 8)


        gryphondreamer wrote:

        note to self…do not drink a lot during the movie… 8)

        especially with all the water scenes!


          😆 😆 😆


            I just got back from Pirates III. It’s very good! I did end up drinking too much pop though and was squirming in my seat for the last hour or so (I refused to get up and leave!). As soon as the credits started I ran out into the lobby and used the bathroom, then ran back to see the Easter Egg at the end. It’s worth waiting for! 🙂


            I went last night to an 8:00 show. Got there at 7:30 and it was already sold out (I hadn’t bought a ticket early because I wasn’t sure I would get out of work in time). So, I went to an 8:00 Shrek instead so I could see the donkey/dragon babies. Got out close to 10:00 and found out the theater had added a 10:30 show so I stayed for a second movie! Drooling over Orlando kept me wide awake. I didn’t get home until 2 AM and had to work today. But drinking 2 coke slurpees has kept me wide awake. I’ll probably crash tonight but it was worth it to stay. There were only 40 or 50 people in the theaters since they literally added the show at the last minute.


              only 40-50?

              pfft I think that’s a maximum out theater holds…


              frozendragon wrote:

              only 40-50?

              pfft I think that’s a maximum out theater holds…

              Welcome to NJ – the land of chain theaters. I was pretty happy – there weren’t ANY kids. Normally I don’t mind kids but a friend and I had a bad experience at Spiderman III a couple of weeks ago. The people behind us had young kids. One of them kept sitting on dad’s lap and kicking the heck out of the back of my seat. At one point the two kids were playing on the stairs next to me – VERY distracting. Finally, when one of them starting crying at the top of her lungs in my friend’s ear the dad took her out. They were way too young to enjoy Spiderman. I realize the parents wanted it to see it but I can’t imagine they enjoyed the movie – dad missed the last third of it.


                Sorry! I thought about this post for a little while, and decided to remove it.


                ddvm wrote:

                frozendragon wrote:

                only 40-50?

                pfft I think that’s a maximum out theater holds…

                Welcome to NJ – the land of chain theaters. I was pretty happy – there weren’t ANY kids. Normally I don’t mind kids but a friend and I had a bad experience at Spiderman III a couple of weeks ago. The people behind us had young kids. One of them kept sitting on dad’s lap and kicking the heck out of the back of my seat. At one point the two kids were playing on the stairs next to me – VERY distracting. Finally, when one of them starting crying at the top of her lungs in my friend’s ear the dad took her out. They were way too young to enjoy Spiderman. I realize the parents wanted it to see it but I can’t imagine they enjoyed the movie – dad missed the last third of it.

                This is why I always loved having a drive in, unfortunately we don’t anymore. But it was great, your kids could fuss and bounce and be loud all they wanted and the only ones they would annoy would be you as the parents. We usually had the kiddo in his car seat and one of us would stay in the car and the other would sit on a chair in front of the car, and we’d trade off so not too much of the movie got missed due to kiddo antics.



                  Dangit. We had to jet after the movie and I missed the credits b/c I had to get up at 430 am >.<


                    ddvm wrote:

                    I went last night to an 8:00 show. Got there at 7:30 and it was already sold out (I hadn’t bought a ticket early because I wasn’t sure I would get out of work in time). So, I went to an 8:00 Shrek instead so I could see the donkey/dragon babies. Got out close to 10:00 and found out the theater had added a 10:30 show so I stayed for a second movie! Drooling over Orlando kept me wide awake. I didn’t get home until 2 AM and had to work today. But drinking 2 coke slurpees has kept me wide awake. I’ll probably crash tonight but it was worth it to stay. There were only 40 or 50 people in the theaters since they literally added the show at the last minute.

                    Two movies in a row – not bad, ddvm. 😆 I don’t like watching that way. I get them mixed up. I like to think about a movie after I’ve watched it. 😀

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