
Stupid Wedding!

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      Okay Im venting… My baby sister is getting married at the beinning of June and is nowhere near ready for it! I’ve asked her numerous times over the last year about stuff (cause I knew if I didn’t hound her everything would fall on me at the last minute) and she swore up and down the she really was working on it! Yeah right. So here we are with 5 weeks to go and I’m swamped at work and of course here comes the crap. I spent a couple of hours today doing up a sample of what she wants to put on the tags for the favors, I know she hasn’t started the table centerpieces yet, had an arguement with my mother about the type of paper to use, have had measurements done for a dress I know doesn’t suit me (I could buy a really nice windstone with the cost of this dress) Know that I am 1 of 3 out of 6 bridesmaids that have been measured for their dresses. And so why do I put up with it? Well she’s my sister and I do not want to be the one accused of “ruining” her wedding. I’m already in S*** because I can’t go to her wedding shower cause I’m working, there is just no way to get off now. If I’d know a couple of weeks ago, I could have arranged it, bu not 5 days before. She’s a bridezilla in the works. Man I hope I live through the next few weeks!!! 😑



          Looks like you’re going to need lots and lots of patience. Good luck!!


            If you want to feel better, I suggest reading the stories at http://www.etiquettehell.com/content/eh_main/gen/eh_index.shtml

            No matter how bad it is, it could always be worse!


              Thats why I like the court house. Its quick and easy and no hassle. I hated planning my wedding, I’m glad I only had to do it once.


                Thanks SPark! Some of those are great! I think I’m going to have to book myself a spa weekend (or get me a really special windstone πŸ˜‰ ) to recover after all this. Not only is the wedding the first weekend of June, We begin laoding in and setting up the play I’m working on the week after and then run the play for a week! *Deep Breath lots of happy thoughts*


                  Hang in there!!! Some folks work better under pressure and maybe your sis is one of them? It could def be worse!


                    That’s why I didn’t want to get married. My brother went through it, and as organized as my sister-in-law is, I saw the preparations and stuff, and thought, nope, not for me! We’re going to celebrate 16 years of non-marriage this year with my man, and I still don’t regret foregoing the ceremony!

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    WTG! πŸ™‚


                    Good luck getting though, fox! I hope your sis has a nice wedding anyway.


                      Wow. That’s why we got married in Tahoe! So much easier and way cheaper! I still got my carriage ride and that’s all I really wanted.
                      Good luck helping her. It’s very nice of you to worry about her day like this, but in the end, it’s her day. If she doesn’t want to put in the effort, why should you worry about it. Just do what you can and leave it at that.


                        I will not EVER be getting married and that is not just because they do not recognize gay marriages but it’s so much easier to go your seperate ways if something ever happens and the cost is off the hook


                          We could come crash it for you….then it wouldn’t be your fault….She might get suspicious when you’re the only one laughing tho….. πŸ˜• πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                            NirvanaCat wrote:


                            We could come crash it for you….then it wouldn’t be your fault….She might get suspicious when you’re the only one laughing tho…..

                            πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                              We could come crash it for you….then it wouldn’t be your fault….She might get suspicious when you’re the only one laughing tho….. πŸ˜• πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

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