
Baby Chicks! (click for cuteness)

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    Well, I keep a small flock of chickens in my back yard, as pets (definatly an oddity here!) I have had only two chickens for the past year. So when my hen Whiteone went broody this spring, I decided to get her some eggs to hatch. My old preschool/old church was hatching eggs in an incubator for the kids, and she gladly gave me 4 eggs, which had already been incubating for 18 days! So on wendsday, day 21, two of them hatched! However, one of them was malformed, and unfortunatly died. However, the other chick is doing very well, and this morning I got an already hatched chick from the preschool, and Whiteone exepted it as her own. So now I have two baby chicks! They really are some of the cutest things ever!
    Mama Whiteone

    Whiteone and Laika (named after the Arcade Fire song)

    Laika is an Ameraucana, or Easter Egg Chicken. She will grow up to lay green, blue, or pink eggs!

    Robin. I have no idea what kind she is.






        Aaawww, I love baby chickys! I have 14 hens. One year I let my banty mamma hatch out 7 eggs and they all were roosters πŸ˜• I have several “easter egg” chickens. I get blue, green, pink, brown and white eggs everyday πŸ˜†


        Very cute. I have never heard of them laying blue, green or pink eggs.


          I didn’t know there was really a hen that could lay different clored eggs. Huh. And I was an FFA member, too… *sigh* My Ag teacher would be so disappointed in me.

          Those chickies are cute as they come! I really miss showing off baby animals at the spring ag festival with the rest of my kooky club.


            Let me clarify alittle. Each hen will lay one color of egg. I have several so some lay green, some blue, ect.


              So cute!! πŸ˜€


              wolflodge100 wrote:

              Aaawww, I love baby chickys! I have 14 hens. One year I let my banty mamma hatch out 7 eggs and they all were roosters πŸ˜• I have several “easter egg” chickens. I get blue, green, pink, brown and white eggs everyday πŸ˜†

              All roosters! Goodness! I hatched out one a few years ago that turned out to be a rooster. But 7! Geez. I’m hoping these guys will be girls so I don’t have to get ride of them when they start crowing ><
              Arn’t easter eggers the cutest? I’ve had a couple and they have always been very sweet.


              AWWW sooo cute! πŸ˜€


                wolflodge100 wrote:

                Let me clarify alittle. Each hen will lay one color of egg. I have several so some lay green, some blue, ect.

                Oh, okay… so it wasn’t a fluke that I passed my poultry exam back when πŸ˜†


                  Awwwh! They are so cute and I bet they are sooo soft! Do you ship to Oregon? *just kidding* πŸ˜€


                    How adorable!

                    While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                    Speaking of easter eggs…they had a new broadcast saying that people shouldn’t buy ducklings or chickens for easter as pets.


                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Speaking of easter eggs…they had a new broadcast saying that people shouldn’t buy ducklings or chickens for easter as pets.

                    Thats probably because most people don’t know how to take care of them. They buy a little chick or duck, thinking its so cute, and they feed it only carrots or bread or soemthing, and it gets sick and dies, or gets abandoned somewhere.

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