
Husky PYO in the works…feedback?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Husky PYO in the works…feedback?

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    I forgot to check to day, but he did get approved! 😀 this is my new husky wolf in the works. He’s got “hairs” individually painted between the black and the white so that’s blended(think i’m gonna finish him in matte so it’ll photo better). Several folks suggested antquing the white…with what color? I’m also wondering, think I ought to metalisiz(??) his wings? I thought metalic blue might be intresting. I was goign to add black to all the..(um.. feather bones??). Sorry, not quite up on terms. He’s the grey eyed version. I like him, got the pattern from a couple off teh internet. Sorry about the wicked flash that kinda makes him look odd



    The flash does make him hard to look at, and it eats the details. The dog part looks pretty good. (I’m still leery of rainbow wings, sorry.)


      I actualy like the wings….Wheather they would sell to the general public or not I don’t know, but I like them personaly. I’m not sure I so like the stark black white contrast tho…almost needs a cream transition. Or something….. Looks great!


      I would matte the black, and grey or blue-gray the white a little. I’ll try and send you a pick of my cousin’s old husky. He was such a great dog. Always acted like a puppy, til he was put down at 13.


        i LOVE the wings but i think i’d do fantasy wings on a fantasy body and on the husky i’d do husky colored myself the painting looks nice over all


        I actually matted him down last night, and he looks a lot better. Gosh, that gloss really..just ain’t happening on the husky’s. I finished my little rainbow dragon last night too, and did him in matte, and he looks a lot better, so matte they shall all be.

        You know, I kept thinking how neat a rainbow husky would be, with rainbow wings, but i thought it might be a little too much?? And, I’m drawinga blank on what a rainbow husky would look like….

        I did this one for my personal collection anyway, and hoenstly, he’s kinda exactly how I wanted him. I’ll try to get some new pix, he’s kinda pretty. I love his wings, they are shaded and blended and really pretty. Shouldn’da posted you guys some better pix. I didn’t look at them on the blowup til this morning. 😯

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