
My First PYO Auction Ends Today!

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    I know this is a shameless plug but my aution ends later today and I have lots of watchers– and sometimes people forget to watch for the end of the auction!

    Forgive me for the plug 😉

    Side note– when will my next set of PYOs arrive??? *sigh* I hope tomorrow!


    oh- heres the link..


    hey- and how do you guys like my avatar– it is a picture of me kinda sketched/scratched out with an ink effect. I don’t know if anyone can even tell it is a person– since I know what the picture looks like I know it is me… can you tell it is a person?


    I can tell it’s a person 😀 You have very curly hair.


    well- its more like wavy than really curly– here is the actual pic:


    oh- and I finally got the pics to the right size in the gallery– no more huge closeups 😉


    I’m lurking around watching the gryphon auction! But I’m going to be working when he ends – rats!


    ddvm wrote:

    I’m lurking around watching the gryphon auction! But I’m going to be working when he ends – rats!

    well- you’ll just have to put in a huge high bid hehehe– or log on from work 😉

    I am hoping the dragon goes up a bit more since it took me about 3 days of work– but even if she sells for what she is at thats ok… I know whoever she goes to will be happy.

    I am praying my newest pyos are at my door when I get home tonight… I know exactly what I am doing to both of them… I can’t wait!

    Thanks everyone for watching the auction!


    I was wondering what your avatar was and now that you mention it, I can tell it is a person.

    Ski is bidding on your dragon (she is the one who likes pink). If she wins, it will go to a very loving home.


      Bah! I was not around when it ended. I lose more Windstones that way… 🙁

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