
Going off to SanJose

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      Just in case anybody wonders why I’m not answering PMs or turning up here for the next few days, I’m going to be in San Jose for the weekend. I fly out tomorrow (Thurs.) and fly back on Monday. I’m going to Further Confusion, the furry convention, where I have a booth and hope to make scads of money selling tails and ears and Loonakits and other fuzzy things.

      See you all later!



          Have fun, sell lots of stuff and tell us about it afterwards. Bon voyage!


          Have a nice trip. ๐Ÿ˜€


          Good luck! Have fun! Sell lots! ๐Ÿ˜€


            Good luck! We will be sure to give you lots to catch up on! ๐Ÿ˜€


            Good luck with the selling- have fun!!


              Sell lots! Have a good time. Take pictures of cool costumes!


              Hope you sell lots! Have fun!


                I wish I had known I could have gotten directions. I live in this area. I would ahve LOVED to meet a fellow Windstoner in person


                  This is me, taking a second to say hi from the con, since there’s not really anything going on just yet. *waves hi*

                  Dragon Master – I’m at the SanJose DoubleTree near the airport, you can probably look up the address, I don’t remember it, I just caught the shuttle from the airport here. If you want to drop in, feel free. You can find me at a table on the main floor, in the Furry Marketplace, you may have to ask around to find the marketplace, it’s all the way at the end of the main left hand hallway off of the lobby. You can spot me because I’ll be the one standing behind a table covered in tails, ears, paws, furballs, and other fuzzy things. I’ll be there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


                    I’m not sure if I can make it but I will try. I have to work Friday 1-9 and Saturday 6-2:30. I’m staying at my mom’s house both nights. Sunday I have an afternoon charity function but SJ is not that far from my mom’s house in Fremont. I did not plan on it so no promises.


                    I saw Spaaaaaark at the Furry Con…I’m here too, selling arhts. Today I caught some sort of stomach bug that kept me either in bed or in the bathroom all day, but it’s gone now and I’ll be back in the Dealer’s Room tomorrow! I gave my drawing wings panel and I got my very own heckler. ๐Ÿ˜€ I dealt with him smoothly by telling the class that I don’t know everything (the guy was trying to be a know it all) and that I am still learning. He left shortly there after.

                    Anyway, back to arting for me! After that, I go to draw my friend’s wolf dogs that he brought. One he suspects might be a full blood wolf, the animal surely looks it. He’s gorgeous!


                      Sounds like both of you are having fun! Can we see that wolf dog art afterwards, vantid?


                        How cool!!! Glad you are feeling better, too.

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