I'm gonna do it!

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  • #525966

    I just emailed my order to Windstone for a PYO Wolf..I hope I don’t make too much of a mess with him πŸ˜•



    YAY for you! You must must must let us see what comes out – you’ll probably be much better than you expect! πŸ˜‰


      AWESOME! Go for it!

      They are so much fun! Seriously! I doubt you could make a mess of one! πŸ˜€ I love the creative freedom they afford me! πŸ˜€ such a release!


        YIPPI! Another amateur!


        ….I can’t tell you HOW MANY THINGS I have SAID I am going to do but am too afraid to! Paint the wolf pink, make cookies people MIGHT not enjoy…it’s a never-ending loop of self-doubt (and lack of funds,…and lack of time)!


        skigod377 wrote:

        YIPPI! Another amateur!

        Haha! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Disguised teasing – Ski’s not exactly amateur anymore.


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          ….I can’t tell you HOW MANY THINGS I have SAID I am going to do but am too afraid to! Paint the wolf pink, make cookies people MIGHT not enjoy…it’s a never-ending loop of self-doubt (and lack of funds,…and lack of time)!



          You forgot to add, “And let me determine whether the cookies might not be enjoyable,” Ski.


            ::joins in Ski’s chanting::

            (immiating Ben Stiller in Starsky & Hutch) DO IT! ^.^


              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† You guys are funny.


              First payday I actually have enough to buy the colors I need for the wolf I WANT to do for Ski I am so there! I just need to get the paint and acrylic medium!


              Bought and paid for! I don’t think I even rank as amateur, is there a pre-amateur? πŸ˜† So whats a good paint to start out with? Maybe not $10 a tube/bottle…Do I use a primer of some kind? Oh boy..now the questions start!! πŸ™„


                Nambroth wrote a tutorial. The problem I had was that I wanted to see a finished product so bad that I just hurried. Not enough coats. Not enough patience. You dont need a primer. I must say, though, the better the paint and brushes, the better the results. And take care of your brushes, too.


                But we DON’T have a tutorial for pastels- only acrylics.

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